Kiskissing Wholesale

A Few Things I Learned About Wholesale Baby Clothes

I must honestly confess that buying mini-clothes is one of the things I enjoy most about having children. I love putting together little outfits, shopping, browsing, and looking for bargains in second-hand shops or at flea markets.

Because for wholesale baby clothes you can spend a fortune! And there are so many traps to step into. I've learned a few things again with the second child, and while mistakes and mishaps are fine, I thought I'd summarize my experiences. As always with such personal reports: It can be very different for you! Things that I found nonsense can work wonderfully for you and vice versa.

Find the right size

Especially when putting together the first-time wardrobe with the first child, one is often unsure. The Erstlingssachen are size 50/56, while 50 is often mini and 56 often huge. French and Spanish brands are rather small, German and Scandinavian rather big. Especially pants may like to be smaller, because baby legs are usually short and crumpled. I do not believe in buying the same amount in 62. My babies did not carry 62 until the age of three months and would have gone down in the beginning! For Quinn, I had deliberately made some in 50, not to have to roll 100 times at the beginning, as the brother. The bill worked out, she was tiny 49 cm at birth (like her brother), initially carried only Petit Bateau, which is extra small. A friend, on the other hand, has a son, who came with 56 cm and four kilos and really got in at 56/62. So different are the babies! And there is no secret recipe to be safe here. But the fact is:

Ask your parents how big or small you were at birth. That's a bit inherited!

The initial equipment

Well and what do you buy then? Everything you have to pull over your head is rather annoying in the beginning, because the little heads are still so wobbly! Wickelbodies are practical, as well as leggings or rompers with press studs. I liked everything without two feet for two spring babies (the legs are dressed anyway and do not stay in the foot!). But that's a matter of taste and a few socks keeps the foot where it belongs. For winter babies I would always put on wool and recommend Schlüttis, or other tops that you can button on the side. And even at summer babies long sleeves and legs are a must at the beginning, newborns need warmth - short bloomers have to wait. Several pairs of woolen socks make sense for summer and winter babies. As well as hats with band. Attention to natural fibers is also a must for baby clothes.Cotton wool blends from Petit Bateau . Most swear by wool-silk (for example by Hess Natur , Cosilana or Engel ), which are also great, but complicated to wash, which can really annoy you in the many Kacka catastrophes that you initially have.

Better buy less, for good and useful! Babies do not sweat and smell wonderful, if they do not just puke or vollkotzen, they can sometimes carry a part for several days in a row.

And how much makes sense?

My experience: This list of July!

3-6 bodies - long-sleeved

2-3 Romper - with or without foot

1-2 pants , as small as possible, with or without foot

2-3 tops / sweater with long sleeves

2-3 wool socks and one or two pantyhose in winter

1-2 caps of cotton or wool to tie

Depending on the season a cardigan and thicker hat or a walkover suit

A coat or a knitted baby blanket

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