Lalee Argent

Common Myths About Carpet Installation

When it comes to choosing what type of flooring in Honolulu you want for your home or office, you want to be sure to pick a material that will be attractive, durable, and easy to maintain. From hardwood to tile and carpet, there are so many options available in the market of today which can be overwhelming to choose from. Additionally, if you do your research about various flooring types, you are likely to come across a lot of inaccurate information. For instance, there is a lot of misinformation about carpets that can steer people away from its luxurious beauty and warm comfort.

Even if the stories about magic carpets have become a thing, society as a whole still creates a surprising number of myths about it. If you are considering carpet in Honolulu, then below you can get to know some of the common myths and misconceptions which may have been affecting your ultimate decision:

Myth #1: Carpet installation is expensive

In reality, carpeting has become one of the most affordable floor covering solutions. It is cheaper than having hardwood flooring installed, but like hardwood flooring, it can last decades when they are properly cared for. While there are some flooring options that are cheaper than carpet installation in the short term, they are generally quite flimsy and may wear out quickly. When you factor in the costs of replacing a cheap floor every 5 years, carpeting can work out to be the most affordable option.

Myth #2: There are harmful chemicals in carpets

A carpet is a very simple product and does not have harmful chemicals. This myth is likely rooted in the fact that formaldehyde or VOC was sometimes used as a resin hardener in the carpet manufacturing process prior to 1978, and whatever may have been left of the chemical would have dissipated a long time ago. The truth is that carpet is one of the lowest emitters of VOCs in the household environment, ranking lower than wall paint in several tests. The EPA has conducted extensive research regarding this topic, but no evidence has been found that links carpet VOC emissions to adverse health effects.

Myth #3: Carpet is too difficult to maintain

Just like any other flooring, it is necessary to maintain your flooring in order to extend the longevity of your carpet. One of the most important things you can do is to vacuum high-traffic areas on a regular basis to keep soil and other dirt particles from sinking or settling down below the surface. In addition, it is recommended to have your carpet professionally cleaned every 12 to 18 months to preserve its overall appearance. Unlike hardwood floors or tile, you only have to vacuum your carpet weekly and have it steam cleaned once a year. You do not have to sweep, polish, wax, buff, then strip its coating every few years and have a replacement put down.

Myth #4: Mold and mildew can grow on carpet

Mold and mildew only exist where there is an excess of moisture and dirt coupled with poor cleaning habits. Mold growth can occur on any surface that is not properly maintained and when moisture is extreme. Eliminating sources of excessive moisture such as water leaks and controlling humidity can reduce the potential for mold to grow.

Myth #5: The thicker the carpet, the more durable

While a thicker carpet will provide you with a softer and more “cushiony” feel underfoot, it does not necessary translate into better quality. If you want to install a high-quality carpet that can last you a lifetime, you should focus on the density which is the amount of yarn per square inch. The denser the carpet, the more resilient it will be regardless of its thickness.

Myth #6: Carpet is bad for the environment

Like most home furnishings created today, carpet can be manufactured from green or environmentally friendly materials. And due to the insulation benefits, having carpet installed in your home or office can actually reduce how much energy your family or business needs to use, making it good for the environment.

Still not convinced? If so, talk to a certified expert for any questions or concerns you have about installing a carpet for your home or office in Honolulu. You might even debunk another common myth in the process!

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