
How Employment Law Firms in Davie can Help with Your Unpaid Overtime Pay

You work and you expect to be paid for that work. That isn’t too much to ask! Yet employment law firms in Davie hear way too many stories of employers who don’t want to hold up their end of that deal. Does this sound familiar to you? If you are someone who is working more than 40 hours per week and you are not being paid overtime, it is time you stop this horrible cycle and contact an overtime lawyer who will work on your behalf. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) generally provides that covered workers must be paid at least minimum wage for all hours worked and 1.5 times their “regular hourly rate” for all hours worked over 40 per week.

“I would love to get overtime pay, but I don’t qualify because I am not hourly! My salary means I don’t get overtime pay.” If you think this, stop! This is a common misconception, and one that employers are all too happy for people to continue to believe. One of the greatest myths is that if you pay a worker a salary then you don’t have to pay overtime. In reality, being paid a salary is just one of the many factors. The overtime exemption test goes much further. Ask yourself the following questions:

#1 Can I hire and fire other employees as part of my normal job function?

#2 Can I enter into contracts for my employer?

#3 Do I manage any subordinate workers?

#4 Can I commit the employer to legal obligations?

Your answers to these questions are very important. Are you a manager in any way at your job? In other words, the less decision making authority you have at work, the more likely it is that you are entitled to overtime pay.

If you’re looking at this and now feel that you haven’t been paid the overtime you are owed, contact Davie employment law firms as soon as you can. Your lawyer will go over your exact situation and whether you are in a good position to file a lawsuit against your employer. To ensure compliance with the minimum wage and overtime provisions, the Fair Labor Standards Act allows a worker to sue his or her employer to recover the unpaid wages or overtime, and an additional and equal amount as liquidated damages, along with reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs.

Be aware, you will not make millions from this lawsuit the way you possibly could from suing someone who has hurt you and negatively affected your long term health. The amount of money available to you in this type of lawsuit is the difference between the amount a worker should have been paid and the amount actually paid. If you have been paid $50,000 this year and you believe you should have been paid $65,000, your attorney will help you fight for the remaining $15,000. It is as simple as that!

Reach out to a lawyer today and get your case started. Otherwise, you will continue to work without being paid what you are owed!

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