
Which are the best indoor plants that can survive in a low-light environment?

Having an indoor plant is a great thing, but taking care of them is not that easy. Searching for the best indoor plants for your home? These plants can flourish in low light, so bring the greenhouse inside and give new life to your space.


It may be a tropical plant, yet this houseplant is resilient to the point that it can really get by on bright light alone. A bromeliad will likewise flourish in moist conditions, so this could be a go-to for your wash-room.

Cast Iron Plant:

Try not to have a prospering green thumb? No pressure. This plant nearly blossoms with disregard which makes it a breeze for anybody to develop.


Separated light is best for this plant. When winters finished and spring and summer kick in, take a stab at utilizing a drape among it and the sun. This will support your plant while it's attempting to create new, delicate leaves.

Demon's Ivy:

This plant is so named as it will develop vines even in the most noticeably awful conditions. Obviously, this could be awful if it's planted outside where it'll stifle out your different plants, yet in case you're searching for an indoor-cheerful plant, this is it.

Dragon Tree:

As you'd like to add a light tropical element to your rooms, however essentially don't have the light to continue them, a dragon tree is a magnificent option. It's really hard to execute and will joyfully ricochet once again from some disregard.


Greeneries can be somewhat fussier than a portion of alternate plants on this rundown; however, they make an extraordinary expansion to any low-light space. These plants are accustomed to developing on the backwoods floor in the wild thus they've adjusted to dim spaces with backhanded light. They appreciate muggy conditions so this will conceivably be another extraordinary plant!


These plants come in such a large number of assortments and they make a stunning indoor plant. Consider this one an incredible low-light option in contrast to the fiddle leaf. Keep your philodendron in practically all dimensions of light but not the direction.


Pothos flourish in both direct light and low light circumstances and needn't ask for any specific care. Variegated pothos plants will most likely lose their variegation in low light yet don't give that a chance to deflect you.

Ponytail Palm:

It's not really a palm by any means, so it doesn't accompany every one of the necessities of a regular palm plant. This is among one of the best indoor plants since they're dry spell tolerant, and keeping them in low light will shield them from becoming excessively quick.

Snake Plant:

It is as well referred to as 'Mother in law’s tongue' this succulent is shockingly comfortable with regards to support. The extra light will enable this plant to develop yet it will joyfully endure the darkness.

Spider Plant:

The plant is truly versatile which makes it overly simple to develop an exceptionally famous. It's additionally simple to breed and impart to other people as it gains out of power. This plant can face avoidance and enjoy indirect lighting.

ZZ Plant

The pretty ZZ plant will become truly well in a dry situation and will in general push the low-light breaking point to the outrageous. These plants have gleaming, dim green leaves and long, thick stems. They can likewise become very tall. Stick one in your darkest corner and watch it flourish!

These are the list of best indoor plants that you will easily get from the Luwasa indoor plant hire services. If you are concerned about the low-light issue, then these plants can give you relief.

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