Mariyam A

Microneedling vs. Derma rollers – Which One Should You Choose?

Derma-rolling involves a very simple tool that has a rolling drum with a handle along with thin surgical needles that are supposed to roll across the skin causing numerous perforations. The length of the needles may vary a bit between different rollers but they are generally of 1.5 mm. The results are very effective.

Difference between microneedling and derma roller

The difference between microneedling and derma rollers lies in the fact that microneedling is a simple process and the same cannot be executed with derma rollers. It is very painful if you compare it to dermapens and the side effects of it last about 4 days. Derma rollers are basically more harmful to the skin than microneedling. Like microneedling, instead of speedy needle insertion into the skin, the derma rollers dig deep into the skin causing the skin to tear and that could be painful for days.

If one has to check out the reviews of best microneedling pens, a study at an Australian medical conference in 2012 said that after testing derma pens and derma rollers on 1000 patients, they concluded that derma pens won the game. The users found the procedure much easier with derma pens and with a digital scan they came to terms with the fact that there was a reduction in the depth of scars with derma pens. Patients decided that derma pens caused lesser pain which did not linger on for days and had better clinical outcomes.


In derma rolling, a marked potential is found where the rolling drum puts a small amount of pressure during rolling. This pressure, however, is not the same between individual treatments by the same user do the gravity of penetration is inconsistent to some degree. The device does not work with derma pens though as the user puts force in a lateral motion perpendicular to the skin’s surface.

Microneedling, on the other hand, is a therapy that is microscopic differences measured in tenths of a millimeter. But different depths of penetration have different effects so the ability to create puncture patterns may be the answer to therapeutic value and versatility.

Sterility is necessary for every situation and with dermapens, it is brought with simple swapping of disposable tops. Derma rollers can be sterilized from user to user which is not a very tiring process but is time-consuming nevertheless. The size of the tip of the derma pen makes it easier to needle areas like the upper opportunity which a derma roller can’t reach up to.


The dermapen microneedling pen has a very unparalleled response through the delivery of microneedling as if it causes small injuries to the outer layer of the skin which as a result encourages the body’s ability to repair itself. A dermapen tip contains 12 needles and features new technologies like the ‘SureSpace' and ‘SafLok'. The practitioners of microneedling pens deliver the safest treatment to their patients and give them the best results from microneedling.

Both of them treat skin problems

Both micro-needling and derma rollers are required to produce more collagen by needling the skin. Microneedling causes small injuries to the epidermis which produces more collagen to remodel the area that is damaged. In return, this rejuvenates the skin making it look younger and brighter. You can treat a number of skin problems like acne, fine lines and hair thinning with microneedling.

Microneedling can treat the injuries on the nose, around the eyes and upper lip whereas that is difficult with derma rollers.

Depth and Efficacy

With microneedling, you can adjust the depth of the needle which you cannot do with derma rollers that reaches only a single depth. The benefit that comes with microneedling helps you to reach different areas of the face that needs different penetration for best results. This becomes very important to patients with skin problems such as acne, fine lines, and wrinkles. This also works well treating different areas around the eye and other delicate areas affected by acne.

Lesser side effects

Microneedling penetrates the skin vertically that is better than derma rollers that penetrate the skin at an angle causing maximum ‘tears' through the skin. This increases the chances of side effects that may persist for a long time. With micro-needling, pain does not stay around for longer time periods.

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