We'll explain to you how to view Snapchat stories anonymously in only a few steps!
Step 1: Open Snapchat and log in using your passwords.
Step 2: Now, go to the bottom right corner of the screen and press the Stories icon.
Step 3: Once you've reached the Stories page, reload the website and wait for all of the stories to load. If you open a Story, the other person will be notified of your visit on their Story page.
Step 4: After you've completed uploading all of your stories, you'll need to manually close the Snapchat app and turn off your mobile data. If you're using Wi-Fi, you'll want to switch that off as well. If you're thinking why it's because that's how Snapchat gets you the stories available.
Step 5: Instead of turning off various features, you might put your phone on Airplane Mode.
Step 6: Restart the Snapchat app on your phone. To view Snapchat stories anonymously, tap the same Story button at the bottom of the screen.
Step 7: On your Snapchat, you'll be able to see all of the previously loaded stories of various users.
Step 8: Now you may tap on any of the loaded stories to take a peek at someone's Snapchat story. While watching the story, make sure your phone is on airplane mode or that you have turned off mobile data or Wi-Fi.
Step 9: When you've finished watching all of the Snapchat stories, exit the app and restart your mobile data or Wi-Fi.
You may also read this blog - https://blog.storymirror.com/read/owxqvfql/how-to-sneak-into-someone-s-snapchat-story-without-them-knowing-it