Kevin Smith

Steps You Can Take Today to Start Saving the Planet

Environmental change and the depletion of the earth’s resources are two of the most pressing issues facing the current generation. While it may seem overwhelming, big change can happen with small choices. Here are some steps you can take today to start saving the planet.


One step you can take today is to start reducing the waste you generate. It is no secret that landfills are not the greatest thing for the planet. So reduce the amount of waste you contribute to them. Start composting, or see if a local farmer would like your organic food scraps for their animals. Avoid using plastic resealable bags, and use reusable lunch bags or boxes instead.

Use towels and rags that can be washed, rather than using paper towels and other disposable cleaning wipes. Use soft cloths for facial cleansing and showering rather than using one-and-done makeup removing wipes or plastic loofahs. Women can choose to purchase reusable menstrual products like washable fabric pads or silicone menstrual cups instead of using disposable pads and tampons. Some other tips are to bring your own tote bags to the store, and carpool, walk, bike, or take public transportation to reduce fuel emissions.


Secondly, you can reuse and repurpose items instead of throwing them away or buying more. Glass mason jars can make fun lanterns, neat craft ideas, be used in kids’ science experiments, and create a rustic and charming drinking glass. If you reuse objects you will lower the demand for the production of new ones which saves energy, money, and reduces pollution.

Vote with your dollar when you do buy products and aim to purchase reusable or recyclable items rather than simply disposable ones. Look for products that are made from recycled materials or reclaimed substances as well.


Thirdly, you can choose to use renewable energy. Solar power is one of the most abundant and efficient clean energy sources available. You can get your own solar kit and buy solar inverters. Adding solar panels to your home will help lower your utility bills, and increase the resale value of the house.

Those who buy solar inverters and use solar power have reported having an excess of energy. They can then use the extra power they collect and get a credit for their next utility bill. If you are not ready to install a solar powered system for your entire home, you can make small changes by conserving electricity and using solar powered gadgets and appliances.

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