Melly Brooke

Things to Do on Bintan Island – Get to know more about Bintan

The island of Bintan is just less than 2 hours away from Jakarta and Singapore. There are a host of activities one can indulge in when on a visit here. Take a look at just a few of them below.

Panglong Village

This is quite an old village that holds the secrets of some of the very first settles in Bintan. There are a few charming relics of the past as well that are worth exploring.

Crystal Lagoon

This is Asia’s very first man-made saltwater lagoon! It is quite an impressive 60-meter-long body of water that is perfect chilling in a unicorn float!

The Thousand Face Temple

This temple is an amazing place where the rich culture is truly evident. There are about 500 Lohan statues with different faces on each.


When it comes to gastronomy, the food here is delicious. Since this is a fishing village, most of the dishes found here are seafood and its absolutely scrumptious.

Indulge in a resort

Some pampering is certainly a must when in Bintan. Opt for a lovely resort like The Residence Bintan by Cenizaro and maybe treat yourself to a rejuvenating spa treatment.

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