Mike Haynes

Different Ways to Replace a Missing Tooth

A missing tooth not only affects your smile but also how your entire mouth functions. Luckily, there are different ways to replace a missing tooth, including dental dentures, dental bridges and dental implants in Hungary.

Thousands of teeth are lost every year to injury and gum disease. Although tooth loss during the early years of a child is normal and harmless, permanent tooth loss can impact your oral health severely. Tooth loss can cause a range of health issues on your mouth, leading to far more long-term damage beyond the missing tooth.

Teeth loss often occurs due to injuries and accidents as well as gum disease and tooth decay. It’s therefore essential to protect your mouth with a mouth guard – especially during sports to reduce the impact. Regular dental checks ups also go a long way in ensuring all your dental issues are addressed on time before they get out of hand. Severe gum disease or periodontitis can go undetected for a long time, even in its late stages. So, without regular dental visits and proper dental care, you could be nearing a tooth loss without even knowing.

The effects of tooth loss extend far beyond the tooth itself. Some major effects include:

Shifting teeth – your teeth positioning isn’t set on stone – which is great because it allows for orthodontic treatment to enhance smiles. But it’s not a good thing for individuals who procrastinate about replacing their missing tooth. When left untreated, the other teeth start shifting towards the gap – creating a crooked look. Unfortunately, it is not just aesthetically unpleasing; it also makes it hard to talk and chew.

Periodontal disease

Periodontal disease is a major cause for tooth loss, but it can also be as a result of a tooth loss. The gap left behind provides a perfect spot for bacteria to accumulate. Without proper dental care practices like brushing, flossing, and regular check-ups, it becomes harder to keep the area clean. When bacteria thrive and multiply in the gap, it will spread into the gums, causing inflammation and advanced gum disease.

Bone loss

Bones are prone to atrophy –especially when they have no function to play. When you have a gap in your gums, and the bone no longer has work to do, it starts to weaken and become less dense. After a while, the bone loss will impact the shape of the entire jaw, causing the chin to shift upward – thus affecting the overall shape of the haw and the motion of speaking or chewing.

Different ways of replacing missing teeth

When you have a missing tooth, your dentist may perform a range of procedures to help replace the tooth and also prevent further damage to your smile. Some common tooth loss treatment options include:

Dental implants

These are anchors that are surgically fitted in your jaw. The anchors are crafted from titanium and other materials and are safe to the body. Your bone will grow and disintegrate with the anchor to support the implant. Many prefer implants because they are tooth-like, and work efficiently. If you have the right bone density and don’t suffer from chronic illnesses, then implants in Hungary may be an excellent option for you.

Dental bridges

Bridges are designed with two or more crowns (abutment) for the teeth on either side of the missing tooth and a false tooth in the middle (pontics). Pontics can be crafted from porcelain, alloys, gold or a blend of these materials. Dental bridges can be supported by implants or natural teeth, and are less expensive when compared to dental implants.

Dental dentures

If you are missing a bigger portion of your teeth or all of it for that matter, then dentures may be a great option to fix your smile – cost wise. If replacing missing teeth through oral surgery and implants or bridges doesn’t seem to work for you, your dentist may suggest a removable partial denture. This is often faster and cheaper than a dental implant.


Although dental dentures and dental bridges are a great fix for tooth loss, dental implants are very successful and long-lasting treatment option. If you are a good candidate for the procedure, then it’s your best shot at getting that perfect smile.

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