Mike Haynes

How C60 Prevents Skin Wrinkles Caused By Free Radicals

According to Chemistry 101, free radicals are molecules or atoms with a non-paired electron. These are unstable and always hunting for an extra electron to become stable. Most free radicals are reactive oxygen species (ROS). Free radicals are part of life since they are byproducts of cell metabolism and play a part in the body’s biological processes. Excess ROS leads to damaging chain reaction through the creation of more free radicals leading to grabbing of more molecules continuously.

Origin of free radicals

Free radicals are natural byproducts of cell metabolism although they come from other sources. Exposure to UV rays encourages free radicals resulting from molecular absorption of energy leading to splitting. It leads to the presence of more free radicals that the body requires. Other sources of free radicals include:






Unhealthy diet

Pollution from metals

Lack of sleep and exercise

How do free radicals cause the skin to age?

Free radicals promote oxidation through damage of protein cells and cell membranes. It happens during splitting of an oxygen molecule into single atoms having unpaired electrons. After oxidation, the cells lose the ability to function properly. This free radical damage promotes tissue and cell damage leading to wrinkles, dehydration, lines, and losing youthful skin volume. The body might try to limit this damage through inflammation and spill over to surrounding healthy tissue. This inflammation degrades collagen and elastin causing premature skin sagging and formation of lines.

Using c60 olive oil to get a better skin

It’s highly recommended to use Carbon 60 olive oil for its wonderful antioxidant properties. Anti-oxidants neutralise ROS through acceptance of an electron from them. This has no impact on the molecular structure of c60 but effectively recycles it infinitely. Additionally, c60 accepts and donates more electrons by working as a reservoir. This promotes regular neutralisation of cell damage from free radicals reaching the cells or mitochondria.

How to tell you have free radical damage?

Combined with the natural ageing process, the skin will appear thickened, dull, and lifeless. With the lovely glow of a youthful skin gone, you’re likely to remain with skin with:

Fine lines




Uneven tones

Using c60 will lessen free radical activity to slow down the skin ageing process. Quick elimination of trauma promotes significant improvement in the skin. This explains the importance of taking good care of your skin.

How do anti­oxidants fight wrinkles?

Regardless of how you use anti-oxidants, your skin needs them to stay flawless. They do a wonderful job of lessening environment damage regardless of whether it’s from the air, pollution, or UV rays. Antioxidants prevent the effects of free radical damage with remarkable benefits regardless of skin type. Free radicals encourage wrinkles, illness, ageing, and cancer.

Wrinkles happen from free radical damage to collagen and other essential skin functions making them break down. Luckily, carbon 60 comes with stable antioxidant properties to prevent the impact of free radical damage. This acts as a natural solution to protect your skin from wrinkles and ageing. Additionally, c60 inhibits free radicals from causing cell DNA breakdown that impairs the skin’s ability to heal from any damage.

Other dangers of free radicals include:

Vision problems

The eyes are very vulnerable to damage by free radicals. The growth of cataracts and macular degeneration are caused by free radicals and oxidation. These progressively lead to degenerating vision. Luckily, antioxidants like c60 are a wonderful antidote to oxidation. These lessen cellular damage and maintain overall health leading to healthy vision and prevention of eye disease.

Reduced mental capacity

Oxidative stress plays a significant role in promoting various mental disorders. The brain requires about 25 percent oxygen. However, the brain is a lipid-rich environment prone to oxidative stress leading to neuron damage and compromising the nervous system. This significantly inhibits the brain from functioning properly and mental disorders such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Bottom line

Free radicals have various effects in the body from wrinkles to mental disorders. The best remedy to lessen the impact of free radicals is by regular intake of antioxidants. These lessen the activities of free radicals and prevents them from wreaking havoc on various body cells and functions. A wonderful antioxidant to consider is c60 olive oil. Luckily, this has various antioxidant properties to effectively manage the activities of free radicals.

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