Mike Haynes

Things To Consider When Looking For New Shoelaces

If shoelaces are not something that interests you, them allow us to help change your mind. Little one may know that there are various characteristics to shoelaces that can change the way your shoes look. Shoelaces also come in different styles, such as the elastic or no-tie lace, which is a far cry from the traditional laces that you tie. Without further ado, here are some things to consider when choosing new shoelaces for your shoes.

What Are Your Footwear Used For?

The biggest question that you can ask when considering shoelaces for your footwear is that what do you need your footwear for. No matter if you are wearing casual, athletic, formal or any other kinds of footwear, the type of footwear you wear is a very important factor when looking for new shoelaces. So long as you establish what kind of shoes you own, you can narrow your search for the types of shoelaces you need the most.


Of course, nearly every footwear you buy should come with their own pair of shoelaces, and more often than not, they are either made of cotton or another natural materials. For standalone shoelaces, the possible materials are expanded to the likes of hemp, jute, and synthetic materials.

When considering a material for your ideal shoelaces, it is important to know what each material has their own pros and cons. Cotton, for instance can easily grip and bing to make strong knots. The problem with cotton, however, is that is can get jammed and bunched up more often than most other materials.

Synthetic shoelaces, such as no tie laces make shoe-tying a breeze, and they can easily slip through the eyelets of your shoe. Synthetic materials, however, have the challenge of making into a strong knot that will not come undone. No matter what your priorities are in your shoelaces, there should always be at least one nagging drawback, so it is important to consider both the pros and cons of each shoelace material, as you would like your shoelaces to perform well, remain stable, and be comfortable to wear.


Most shoelaces come with two ends each for tying. These traditional shoelaces are basically the norm for most shoes, but you can also consider no tie laces as well. No tie laces are more elastic in comparison, and lock, clasp, or fasten together without involving tying any knots. These laces can make it much easier to put on and remove your shoes, and they will not have the chance of coming undone as you wear them. No tie laces are great for children and seniors, but they are perfectly acceptable to wear regardless of your age or gender.


Shoelaces can get incredibly creative, and that is one thing that many people overlook about them. Normally, you have your basic laces of white, black, grey and brown, but shoelaces can also come in many other colors to give your shoes a whole different look entirely, from neon yellow to Honolulu blue. Shoelaces can also be made in threads of two or more different colors for a textured look that imitates a certain style or aesthetic. And let’s not forget all the possible patterns that shoelaces can have, including polka dots and stripes.

No matter if you consider traditional laces or no tie laces, there are many kinds of shoelaces on the market that people wear for either style, fun, class or any other reason. Consider buying shoelaces to change the look of your footwear and to show your personality.

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