Mike Lee

6 Essential Safety Tips to Ensuring Your Air Is Up To Compressed Air Standards

If you are in the market for compressed air or you have recently purchased an air compressor, you should know that The International Organization for Standardization has adapted their standards on compressed air and continue to do so fairly frequently. You do not want to be caught up with a faulty system, so here are 6 Essential Safety Tips to Ensuring Your Air Is Up To Compressed Air Standards.


With any device, it is important to make sure it is operating at peak efficiency. Compressed air is no different. Every year, there are new Compressed Air Standards that all devices must be able to follow. For the safety of users and other individuals, it is important your equipment is maintained properly. You don’t want to be paying someone’s medical bills because you failed to properly maintain your air compressor or device.

Identifying Damages

Using a damaged tool does not lead to efficient work, similarly, if your air compressor is damaged; anything can happen. You cannot ensure that your damage air compressor will work efficiently nor can you assume that it will continue to hold up over the coming months. If the product is damaged, do not use it, especially considering how explosive a damaged air compressor can be. Return the product and request a refund. Do not risk taking the chance on a damaged air compressor.

Sampling and Analysis

Air, like water, can be subject to contamination. Microbial contaminants can exist in your air compressor. Contaminated air obviously doesn’t stand up to these new compressed air standards. These new standards force companies to get their air checked and monitored. Failure to comply with these standards could spell doom for you and your company. A simple way to do this would be to get your air sampled and sent off for analysis. To do this, you should consider purchasing a sampling kit or hiring a testing agent to do it for you. All you need to do, is take a specimen of your air from your air compressor and then send it off to a testing company. The process is extremely quick and easy. Do not let yourself get caught without sampling your air.


A school report is important to knowing how well a child is doing in school, similarly, a specimen report will provide you with appropriate knowledge on the purity of your compressed air. Imagine the peace of mind you will have knowing that your air has been properly checked and having a report to prove it. Just sampling is not enough, your best bet would be to have a report on the purity of your air. Plus, you can brag to all your friends, that your air is the purest in the land.

Tested by an Accredited Company

A report is great, but even better, is getting your specimen tested by an accredited company. This is another important step in ensuring the quality of your air. You will need use a company that has thorough knowledge of these new compressed air standards. Trusting in an accredited company does that.

Using Accredited Attachments

Another great way of ensuring proper safety would be to use tools and attachments that are accredited by the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OHSA). An OSHA approved nozzle will prove a worthy investment, and you can trust since it has been accredited that it will adhere to the new standards.

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