Post-partum refers to the phase immediately after you have had a baby. During this phase many new mothers experience a physical and psychological problems. And if that is the case with you, you should be talking to an expert to seek help. As was the case with one of my known friends who lived in Chennai. Noticing her post pregnancy symptoms her family member were quick to search and take her to one of the best gynaecologist in Chennai, which helped her sail through this emotionally draining phase.
There are numerous problems one might have to deal with after one has had a baby, including depression, pain, sex-related issues and much more. Keep reading to find out a few of the most commonly faced issues during post-partum by women of all ages.
Common Post-Partum Issues
Every woman should know what are the common issues faced by other women after having babies. This would help them to be prepared in case, it happens to them, and you should consider everything carefully. Here are 4 of the most common issues that have to deal with post-partum, including:
1. Depression – Feeling sad after you have your baby is something that might happen, but sometimes there are women who have severe depression afterward. If you are feeling unfortunate and down, then you need to make sure to get an appointment with your doctor so you can get treated for this.
2. Painful sex – For those who have just had a baby, sometimes sex can be sore the first few times afterwards. This is due to the fact that during this period, the vagina is often drier than before, so make sure to take proper precautions to enjoy yourself and be pain-free like using some lubrication.
3. Pain – There are also going to be various types of pain that you might have to deal with when it comes to post-partum, and you need to know what they could be. If you had a c-section, then you are going to have to deal with the pain of the incision, but if the pain gets too bad, then talk to your doctor about it.
4. Infections – There are numerous infections that you might have to deal with after giving birth, and you should know what they are. Some of them include kidney, bladder and even uterine related, so make sure to talk to your doctor if you are having any problems.
These are just some of the problems that you might face, so ensure that you are talking to your doctor if you think that you are having more issues than you can deal with.
Ensure that you are visit the best gynaecologist in Chennai (or a reputed gynaecologist in the city you reside) to help you with any post-partum issues that you might be dealing with. If you are feeling more depressed than normal and if it doesn’t go away within a few days or if you are having extremely painful sex, then you should talk about it with your doctor. Also, you are going to have different types of pains and possible infections that you need to be aware of so that you can be aware of them like incision pain or bladder, kidney and other types of infections.