Nellie Heaton

9 Things to Consider While Designing a Cannabis Website

Cannabis Website Design

CBD or Cannabidiol is a natural substance discovered in organic Cannabis plants that is a root solution to numerous health complications like joint pain, back pain, arthritis, allergies, epilepsy, Chron’s disease, etc. It has led to a revolution in the medicinal and pharmaceutical industries. New CBD businesses are being set up. Brightfield estimated that the overall CBD market sat at about $591, whereas it is expected to grow 40 times to its original size, around $22 by this year.

A website is like an online headquarters for any e-commerce business which offers 24/7 access to the customers. Building a cannabis website design is the most fundamental and crucial step. It may seem simple but requires a lot of research. A website is what acts as an interactive medium between CBD business and its prospective customers. It is the primary asset of an online business that holds its identity. Branding, sales, and advertising all depend upon the creativity and authenticity of the CBD website.

There are multiple reputed CBD website design companies that can aid you and concoct an incredible cannabis website design, but you also need to stress some things. Discover everything here about what one should consider while designing a cannabis website.

Factors to Consider While Designing a Cannabis Website

1. Research & Know Your Target Audience

Research about business and websites. Study the essentiality of the website and how it can attain great outcomes and profit for your online business. Also, learn about cannabis website design and its various attributes. Take your time and search all the elements and components of the cannabis industry and cannabis website design.

Being specific and concise is the root essentiality. The cannabis industry is a large-scale industry, so while researching, you have to reach an outcome as if the fixed kind of public you want to cater to. Once you ensure that, the CBD website design company can dwell on establishing a more effective and audience-centered website.

Now, you know your target viewers, so inform the CBD website design company to inculcate data related to the range of products your cannabis business offers. Include infographics, logo graphics, attractive pictures, testimonials, and whatnot that can make your website appear authentic and trustworthy.

Make sure to include the under-mentioned elements and facts on your website. Be concise and mention all to the point details of your product range and services. Your cannabis website should appear trustworthy, pleasing, and authentic in this cyber fraud era. Some features to include are-

a) Age so that your users can figure out how old the domain of your cannabis website is.

b) Location of the cannabis business

c) Details and Claims of Manufacturers

d) Contact Details like a toll-free number, email address, and other social media handles

e) Testimonials and Product Reviews

2. E-Commerce

E-commerce can increase the productivity of the firm by allowing online selling and buying of products. It focuses on increasing brand value and web traffic for your cannabis business. It acts as a perfect platform to communicate your brand and promote your products.

3. Landing Page of the Website

It is illegal to promote cannabis directly so the creation of conversion-based landing pages will sort the issue. The landing pages appear when you click on any display ad, make any relevant search, in organic search results and social media posts. The landing pages act as extended branches of the official website. The creative and effective “Call to Action” must be mentioned on these landing pages to increase the engagement of prospective customers.

4. Mobile Design

The website must be compatible with various devices. The cannabis website design must be created in a way that it is conveniently accessible from both desktops and small wireless gadgets like android and iOS. The layout, formatting, and designing of the cannabis website must be done in a way that it doesn’t get hampered if opened from a mobile phone.

5. Make it User-Friendly

The online website design must be user-interactive and friendly. Creativity and eye-ball-grabbing layouts and formats offer a benefit. To sustain the massive competition in the online marketplace, the unique style and convenient interface are what attract the audience. Once you are sure about the target audience, think from the viewer’s perspective while creating a cannabis website design. A user should feel welcome when checking the website. The user-friendly interface makes one stay and focus on the platform, increasing the traffic to your online cannabis headquarters. The inclusion of useful data, relevant information, and a user-friendly interface in cannabis website design can change the game for your online CBD business.

6. Focus on SEO Strategy

Advanced SEO techniques can help you to improve the search engine ranking of your cannabis website. Now when your website is created accordingly, managing it is the next step. SEO includes onsite evaluation and reputation management of your website. Stress on the usage of SEO strategies while creating cannabis web design.

Important Features to Consider in CBD Website Design-

Incorporate these important CBD website design features in the website for the ease of the customers. In addition, these features will credit user-friendliness and user convenience, which can bring in mass profit.

1. Age verification - Considering the legalities and restrictions on cannabis by the government, verifying the exact age of the prospective customers will aid in making your CBD website design more legit.

2. Rewards and Discounts - Discount coupons, special offers, freebies, etc., attract viewers. It also helps to maintain good relations with your old customers.

3. Live chat or Calling Features - 24/7 active chat and calling features to favor the simplicity and interactivity of the portal. It creates a better means of communication between your services and the customers.


Thinking of starting an online cannabis business, a website is all you need. A website acts as online 24/7 accessible headquarters. A website is a medium through which you communicate your business identity and services with the world. There are certain things to learn when designing a CBD website. Also, there are many digital marketing changes that have come after covid 19. The attractiveness and creativity can help your business sustain marketplace competition. Make it user-centered and simple to use. It should be device friendly and quick in operation.

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