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The formula for organizing a successful team building event is no longer a secret

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The secret to organizing a successful team building event is NOW revealed

Are you looking to organize a Team Building event for your employees? Not sure how to organize an event that all team members will love?

Team building events are a fun way to help employees bond better. Employees who are comfortable working with each other make teamwork simpler and increases productivity.

Are you worried that employees won’t like the team building event you organize? Or it’ll end up being just a fun-time for employees with no real benefit to the company?

Gamification at work is a tricky thing to do. Especially if you’re doing it for the first time, it’s natural to have lots of questions. But if planned right, it can boost your employees’ productivity and the company’s bottom line.

Before you hire a team building company, be clear of your goals.

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To organize a successful team building event, ask yourself these 5 important questions.

1. What is a convenient time and venue for the event?

It is your organization that will benefit from a team building event. Employees will learn from it. Even enjoy it. But that doesn’t mean they would want to spend their personal time attending a team building event.

To encourage participation and maximize results, always make attending the event convenient for your employees. Ideally, schedule it during work hours. If you do schedule it after work hours or on a holiday, don’t make it compulsory for employees attend it. They might have other plans. Or personal matters to attend to.

2. What do I aim to achieve from this team building event?

A lot of companies, big, medium and small are organizing team building events for employees. If your reason for doing it is because everyone else is doing it, don’t.

Hosting a team building event is a huge investment. Before you sign up for it, understand the benefits and the value it adds to your teams.

Ideally, convey this to your employees also. Let them know this isn’t a picnic. But a fun event they’ll learn something from.

Also read: Amazing Reasons Why You Should Promote Team-Building Exercises Instantly

3. How do I ensure maximum attendance for the event?

Forcing employees to attend your event won’t do you any good. You and your employees will benefit from it only if they attend the event wholeheartedly.

Making it a compulsory event is the worst way to approach it. Instead, make it sound fun. Build excitement and curiosity around the event. Promote the event in a way that employees look forward to attending it.

Take a look: Creating a memorable team building is now easy

4. Where should I organize the event?

Employees would like it better if the event is not in the exact same place where they work. But arranging it outside the office means extra spending.

The best thing to do is organize the event at the office auditorium, office lobby or the garden. This way, it is still in the office and commuting won’t be a problem. And, it’s not the exact same place

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5. Will employees like and benefit from the event?

If you’ve organized team building events before, you’ll probably know what kind of activities your team members enjoy. You’ll also have an idea about the activities and events that were most successful. When selecting an activity for your team building event, pick something that did well in the past.

If this is your first team building event, take advice from the company your hire for the event.

After the event, don’t forget to take ask employees and team leaders for feedback. It’ll help you decide the effectiveness of the event. And organize an even better event next time.

Also read: Instill excellence in your workforce with team building ideas.

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