
Key points to keep in mind for USMLE Step 1 Exam 2019

USMLE stands for the United States Medical Licensing Examination and its step 1 is the first test that helps medical students get a license to practice medicine. However, it’s not an easy test. Young aspirants find USMLE Step1 a bit tricky. But with great guidance, you can easily ace the exam without any hurdle. The two major things that you must count on while getting yourself enrolled in a medical school are endless studying and the right guidance.

As it is the first exam that students give after getting the certification, it might turn out to be one of the most stressful and difficult exams you will take during your medical career. The key to your success is based on your performance. The more you prepare for your exam, the better your performance will be.

Here are a few tips that will help you prepare for the USMLE Step 1 test.

Expect for long questions stems - Although after studying hard for months if you haven’t prepared for long questions then long questions stems might surprise you. Don’t just depend on previous years' questions. Prepare yourself well in advance for any kind of situation or questions that might pop up while writing the exam.

Numerous answer choices - The board can set the paper in different formats to increase the difficulty level of the test. They can often give a lot of answer choices that can make the process of elimination very difficult. The safest and the best strategy to eliminate answer choices is to go with your “gut” feeling.

Biostatistics - Lastly, in the exam you might come to know that great emphasis is laid on biostatistics. Thus, you need to be quite sure with the principles of positive predictive values, hazard ratios, Kaplan-Meyer curves, and number needed to treat.

Keep these points in mind and paddle up the rate of preparation for the USMLE Step 1 Exam 2019. If you wish to appear for USMLE Step 1, then for the best usmle step 1 preparation you can get yourself enrolled for NYCPrep.

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