rachana racchu

How Augmented Reality Is Changing Real Estate Industry?

Augmented Reality is transforming almost every industry and Real Estate business is not an exception. Augmented Reality lies in between the real and virtual world. AR offers real estate professionals and potential customers a unique experience.

AR in real estate provides customers more informative and visual proposals and hence they will have a clear vision on a possible deal. Buyers are able to get all-angle AR models of any property with a single touch. They can browse, analyze, compare and interact other apartments/offices in detail.

Benefits of Augmented Reality in Real Estate Business:

1. User engagement: Augmented Reality keeps customers more interested and involved. AR involves a scenario like deciding a furniture placement and customer could click pictures of their present furniture and place them in a listing to check how the stuff works with that space. Using AR user can view each section of the property from different angles. AR provides better opportunity is converting a potential customers to real customers for buying products and services.

Read more: How Much IT Cost to Develop an AR Shopping App like IKEA?

2. Property tours: AR offers real-time experiences to the customers. Users can simply install an app in their smartphone and select the property which they want to check. It allows the user to virtually walk around it and check everything including the placement of furniture and which color you want to paint the walls etc. User can even explore new properties by walking down the street, pointing the camera at the property for sale and analyzing the real time stats such as sale status, price, contact information, pictures and videos.

3. Marketing options: AR as a marketing tool can help in fully use customer’s interest with such an innovative tool to advertise and distribute your property/products. Customers can easily find your items on sale in the real world using geo-tags. Effective contact and other call-to-actions. Wide coverage through apps on Google Play and App store. Thus AR provides a new advertising possibility for real-estate business.

4. Save time and resources: AR real estate apps addresses queries on the area, financial ability and other factors that impacts their decision. Buyers can get a virtual tour of the property that are miles away from the base location. Hovering smartphone on the window could show user the information about the installation structure, their effective energy rating, panes of glass used and also information about the vicinity of schools, hospitals and community centers.

Augmented Reality in real estate is bringing lot of business opportunities. AR is great tool and will be a great practice in real estate sales in the coming decade. Several real estate agencies have already incorporated AR features into their mobile apps and gaining benefits. If you are a realtor and if you want to develop AR apps for real estate and various other industries reach FuGenX. FuGenX Technologies, one of the top mobile apps development companies in India are highly experienced in developing top-notch apps for iOS, Android and Windows platforms. FuGenX is one of the best android app development companies in Bangalore, Delhi and Mumbai, India.

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