Riley Derrick

5 Uses of Brass Knuckles You Probably Never Knew

Brass knuckles are small tools worn around the knuckles. Made of brass, these are beautiful and powerful tools. There are five unknown ways to use these knuckles that you never knew. These wearable tools are pretty advantageous.

You can use them as your EDC tools since they can assist you on a daily basis.

They offer more uses than you think. In fact, you just consider them fashion tools but they are more useful than that. Following are five uses of brass knuckles that you probably never knew:

1. Belt Buckle

Brass knuckle can be used as your belt buckle. It often comes with a small knob or buckle pin that allows you to attach it to your belts. You can simply replace the original buckle with this knuckle and make it a beautiful and fashionable buckle to impress others.

2. Vehicle Alteration

You can alter your vehicles using brass knuckles. Did you ever figure it out that these knuckles can beautify your vehicles? Probably never.

You can replace the original door handles of your car with the knuckles. In addition, you can attach the knuckles to your steering wheel to make it comfortable to rotate.

3. Battle the Attackers

With brass knuckles, you can get rid of the attackers. It can work as a brilliant self defense weapon. Since it is worn around the knuckles, you can use them to battle the attackers. Just give a brutal punch in the face of the attacker to injure him and survive.

4. Get Rid of the Bullies

You can also fight the bullies who tease you very often. If you have these knuckles, you can deliver a strong punch in the face of the bully and injure him. You can teach him a lesson by being more brutal against him and prevent bullying in the future.

5. Do the Cutting Work

You can also use the brass knuckles for doing the cutting work? How? Use a brass knuckle knife. It comes with a small blade attached to it. You can use this blade to do some cutting work. Also, you can use this combination as your self defense weapon!

Read Also: What is a Knuckle Duster? Essential Things to Know

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