
Purpose & God's Will

Original Post

We all feel down sometimes. When I was at one of my lowest points in the recent past I left the house angry. I couldn't be around anyone. I drove toward town, parked my car, and started writing. Some things I wrote were in poem form and super intense and I couldn't even believe the words I was writing was how I felt. They were hurtful and so hopeless. So then I got a new page out and just started writing about God. It didn't matter what as long as He was my focus. I didn't allow myself to stop I just kept going and repeated multiple statements, words, whatever I could that had to do with God. I didn't want the bad things in my mind anymore! .............................................................................................Something that helps me work through my recovery is by blogging. I hope to touch others and help them and bring awareness to mental illness. A thing a struggle with a lot is my purpose, I've read it's a symptom of Bpd (borderline personality disorder), regardless I know I need to rely on God to help me with this.✨I posted about Purpose and Gods Will in my blog ✨See Original Post

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