
Preparing a home for sale: Spring cleaning tips

Spring is just around the corner, and you know what that means - it's spring cleaning time. However, for residents of hot market states like Utah who plan to sell their home in 2014, there are suddenly some new requirements at this annual event. Good thorough cleaning and cupboard cleaning is no longer enough. As the days get warmer, potential buyers are emerging with full force. So you (and your property) need to be prepared. Make sure you tick these items off your spring cleaning list so your home can catch the eye of the right buyer. Houses for sale garden walk can have a very high profit in future.

1. Start from the outside

The appeal to stop is a real thing. Many potential buyers "drive-by," and if they don't like what they see preventing it, they can never go in to find out if there's a walk-in closet or a kitchen in the dining room. The box is the same as what they want. Keep things clean, green, and well maintained. This is the occasion of the gardening season, and planting some colorful annuals gives the first impression. Do you have your tools? A Realtor was working in collaboration with a land store!

2. Let's imitate

This can be a daunting task for many sellers, especially if you have been at home for many years. However, more personal items need to be stored or pre-packed. Buyers are likely to call everyone who looks appropriate if there are only a few. Keep photos, nicknames, and anything you don't need. Think "model home" content. Your essential tools for this task include storage boxes and a party or friend who can help you retain your memories.

3. Refresh with the paint job

One of the easiest, fastest, and cheapest ways to make a big difference is to have a fresh coat of paint on the inside, outside, or both sides. If you are ready for this job, you may paint the walls yourself from the inside. However, it is a better job for professionals. New paintwork is essential if the paint is matte, dull, or neutral in color. Go for a classic indie so buyers can see a fresh canvas. Necessary tools are either everything you need for a DIY or a professional painter's recommendation (realtors have the best contacts).

4. A magnificent door

Technically, this is part of the prevention appeal, but access to a home can break or break sales. You want it to look both welcoming and safe. A new front door with a neutral touch, like vegetables shining everywhere, takes shoppers to your home. Take a good look at your current entrance. Can it be improved? The resources required for this project are a new door and the right accessories.

5. A realtor in your corner

Having a real estate agent on board may not be part of the "spring cleaning," but this professional can make all of these cleaning tasks so much easier. If you are at the fence about whether you should try to contact the owner through a sale or trust a supporter, take a moment to consider if it is ready for you. You don't have access to a single buyer base, you probably don't have fluency in all the rules, and do you want to spend all your free time interacting with buyers? A relationship with a savvy realtor can make selling your home faster, easier, and possibly even better.

Jill Smith is a writer with a wide range of subject matter skills. In addition to publishing articles for businesses large and small, she researches, writes, and publishes various public policy issues. If you are in the market for a new home in Salt Lake Valley, look at Utah Houses for sale in Utah, South Jordan. Read more about Homes for sale maize ks.

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