
Tractor-Trailer Accidents in WY - Wyoming Truck Accident Lawyer

A tractor-trailer accident is not treated in the same way as an accident involving two passenger vehicles. This is due to both state and federal oversight of the commercial trucking industry. Such regulations include hiring procedures, training guidelines, truck maintenance schedules, comfortable walking intervals for commercial truck drivers, and required driver logs to ensure necessary stops at checkpoints so that the truck's not overweight and have their load tied adequately, etc. Commercial trucks now have a version similar to the black box on all commercial aircraft. This piece of equipment can provide invaluable information to a Wyoming lawyers for accident to maximum benefit. This can advocate on your behalf in the future.

A tractor-trailer accident in Wyoming is a common occurrence due to many factors. Interstate 80 runs in the southern part of the state, with heavy traffic from semi-trucks to the coast. If a driver is driving an empty truck home, there is a serious risk to anyone on the Intrastat due to the strong winds in the area. Snowy and hazardous roadways often play an essential role in dangerous winter conditions. Also, Wyoming's core economy is related to the energy industry and includes oil, natural gas, coal, wind farms, and more. The state has maintained the highest workplace mortality rate in the last ten years, and the majority can be attributed to energy-related work. All of these industries involve the widespread use of large equipment and trucks. Defects in the commercial truck affected a very complex area of law. If you have been injured in an accident involving a tractor-trailer, you should consult a Lawing Truck Accident Lawyer for advice on protecting fundamental rights.

If you are unlucky enough to be the victim of a tractor-trailer accident, or the surviving family member of someone killed in that accident, you should act quickly. Because of the high dollar nature of these claims, a trucking corporation will immediately send a high-powered team of insurance agents and lawyers to limit their payments. You need to level the playing field by working with an oncoming truck accident lawyer at the beginning of your claim. If they do not win your case, they are not paid. Call for a free consultation today.

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