Sarah James

4 Hidden Blade Knives I Rate the Best for Self Defense

Admit it or not, but America is not that safe these days. Remember the time when we left our doors unlocked while heading to the nearby store. Can you do it now? Certainly, not. The number of unexpected attacks and increase in the crimes have raised many questions regarding the safety of the country.

However, there is nothing we can do to reduce the crime rate. But, what we can do is find a way to survive these attacks. The perfect way to prevent such attacks is by carrying a self defense weapon. There is a vast choice when it comes to self defense weapons. But, the most spectacular is the hidden blade knives.

Hidden blade knife is often called just a hidden blade. These are the smallest knives ever constructed and feature blades that are small, yet sturdy. These are smartly designed knives that have different shapes, but have one thing in common. They all feature a small blade that is not visible, rather hidden. There are several outstanding hidden blades, but I rate four of them as the best for self defense.

1. Neck Knife

Neck knife is a small necklace which features a blade. It is one of the knives that are worn around the neck, like a necklace. Most frequently, there is a necklace, a blade is additionally attached to it. However, the blade is so small that it would be hidden within the necklace. When you have to deal with an attacker, you can just pull the blade out and launch the attack on the attacker. Don’t think it is vulnerable to your neck. You may think it is quite dangerous to have a blade surrounding your neck. However, there is a leather sheath on the blade that would make sure you remain secured from any self-harm.

2. Boot Knife

Boot knife is another fantastic hidden blade for self defense. It can be a highly surprising weapon for the attacker. The blade is kept hidden in a boot. When an attacker approaches to you, just pull the blade out of your boots and deal with him in the best possible manner. This is a small blade that is kept inside the boot, and that’s why it is named as boot knife. It is a perfect option for those who wear long boots. Here again, the sheath covers the blade so that there is no likeliness of injury to your feet.

3. Lipstick Knife

Lipstick knife is just the right self defense weapon for the women. However, I don’t suggest it just to the women, but the men can also utilize this. Anyways, for the women, it is an ideal hidden blade knife. There is a lipstick that features a small blade. It looks like a real lipstick unless you twist the tube to reveal the blade. The blade is hidden but appears from one end upon twisting the tube. You can carry it like you other cosmetics. You can place it in your pocket, your purse or your bag. While dealing with an attacker, pull the blade out and do the damage.

4. Pen Knife

Pen knife is in fact a pen that additionally includes a blade. You can term it as a 2 in 1 weapon. There is a pen on one side that can be used for writing. On the other end, there is a blade that is hidden in a cover. On removing the cover, the blade can be revealed. So, it can come handy in a self defense situation. You can have your pen convertible to a blade in your pocket. An ideal weapon for both men and women, isn’t it?

So, which of these small blades you rate as the best? I know it is difficult to figure out one out of these four. All of them are excellent for defense. So, if you want to survive these attacks with ease and efficiency, get one of these hidden blades in your arsenal.

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