Sarah James

How to Use a Walking Cane Properly?

Whether you are a person who likes to be classy or whether you are a person who finds some difficulty in walking, in both cases, carrying a walking cane with you might be the solution for you.

What is Walking Cane?

A walking cane is something which facilitates or helps a person in walking, however, it is also being used nowadays as a fashion accessory mostly carried by gentlemen but women are also seen carrying it. Other than this, you can use walking canes in an outdoor situation i.e. in hiking. Or you can use it as a defensive tool to help you out in a self-defense situation.

Walking canes are also known to give multiple health benefits to the user. It provides you safety and support and that is why physical therapists mostly recommend to use walking canes for people having pain in their joints or having some problem in walking and need only the slightest of support to facilitate them in walking properly.

What do Walking Canes Do?

Walking canes help in maintaining and regulating balance, increases the support, decrease weight and pressure on the legs of the person carrying the cane and help one walk easily.

When Do You Require a Walking Cane?

A walking cane can be used for fashion purposes. But, in terms of medical, walking canes can be required if you face any of the below-mentioned problems:

1- If you undergo a heart stroke

2- If you had a fracture in the leg

3- If you had a knee or a leg surgery

4- If you have balance issues and require some support to help you walk properly.

So, in short, if you are facing any kind of problem in the functioning of your joints, bones or muscles and cannot walk properly because of it, then you need a walking cane for yourself, for sure. If you are temporarily injured, then it is possible that the use of a walking cane is temporary for you. However, its use can be permanent or you may have to use it for a long period of time in case of severe problems majorly comprising of bones or muscle issues.

How to Use a Cane Properly?

If you are using walking canes for medical purposes, then you need to consult your doctor or physiotherapist first. However, the most basic way of carrying a walking cane with you is to place it parallel to your leg by holding it from your hand and keeping the elbow straight. This position will make the wrist of your hand holding the walking cane at the top of it. And if the wrist does not go to that level, then you have to adjust your hand to make your wrist go to that level. To give you a good idea, let us discuss the exact measurements, bend your elbow of the arm carrying the walking cane at an angle of about twenty degrees. This prevents any discomfort or arm or shoulder pain you might face because of carrying walking canes.

Tips on Using a Walking Cane Properly for an Injured Person

So, let us now see how can you walk properly with a cane:

1- Use the hand that works properly to hold the walking cane, or if your leg is injured, then hold the cane from the side which is functioning properly so that unnecessary pressure is not exerted on the injured leg.

2- Take the walking cane forward with the leg that is not injured and move the injured or affected leg simultaneous to the walking cane.

3- Put as much weight as you can on your arm that is holding the cane so that it bears more weight and your injured leg may have some comfort.

4- Do remember to put the maximum of your weight on your leg which is good, healthy and uninjured with the help of the walking cane to relieve your injured leg off some pain.

So, now you know about the ways on how to use walking canes properly for a normal person and for a person who is facing some pain or injury as well. I hope everything is clear to you now and you will follow the above-mentioned steps in order to use the walking canes safely and easily.

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