Shivangi Gupta

A Guide to Choose Air Purifier in India

Air pollution is one of the leading causes of health problems. Modern cities have a very bad air quality index because of the various industries and vehicles on the road.

Installing an air purifier in your home is the best way to avoid breathing unclean air throughout the day. Air purifiers remove all the suspended particles and other harmful pathogens from the air, making it safe to breathe for you and your family. The market has several types of air purifiers, here is a short guide that can help you make the right decision before you buy a new air purifier in India:


Air purifiers have different types of filters that come in different numbers. The type and number of filters that are best suited for you depend on your specific requirements. For instance, if you live with a pet or near a source of bad odour, a HEPA filter coupled with an activated charcoal filter will help clean your air. Asthma patients can opt for a HEPA filter. In general, more filters mean better air quality.

Remote Control

Air purifiers are smart machines that can be controlled wirelessly. Some models have the option to be operated by remote control while other purifiers can be connected to a mobile app. Having a remote-controlled air purifier makes it easy to change the settings based on the present air quality of your home.


Some home air purifier models also come with humidifiers. These types of purifiers are preferable especially in places that have a generally dry climate. There are a lot of benefits of breathing humid air including better sleep and reduction of bacteria in the air.

Service Indicator

Air purifiers need to be cleaned regularly to maintain their performance. A dirty filter will start allowing dust and bacteria to pass through it. Air purifiers with service indicators can help you keep track of when you need to schedule your next service.

Breathing clean and healthy air regulates your mood and keeps you feeling energetic all day. Pollution is inevitable in large cities, but investing in a room air purifier can prevent you from falling ill. Keep you and your loved ones safe by installing an air purifier in your home today.

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