Simon Hopes

Tips on How Businesses Can Go Green

Every single one of us has a social responsibility to conserve our natural resources and protect our nature from further destruction, more so businesses that mostly use up these resources. Going green is a trend among individuals and companies. It means that we are more aware of the need to be kind to our planet. Numerous initiatives have been undertaken for going green – recycling, reducing carbon footprint, conserving natural resources and planting more trees. More and more businesses are adopting green practices to reverse the adverse effects of development and technology. Here are some more ways of going green.

Adopt green air technology

More and more businesses are adopting living walls UK companies have developed, employing green air technology which cleans the air of pollutants and produces more clean air for people to enjoy. Living walls are most suitable for places with no space for gardens, such as shopping malls, government and public offices and even highways. These living walls not only serve their purpose of cleaning the air in the surroundings, but they also improve the aesthetics of a building.

Make receipts and shopping bags optional

Receipts make use of paper, and shopping bags can either be plastic, paper or other materials. Making these optional will reduce the use of natural resources in creating them, such as trees to make paper. Encourage customers to bring their own reusable bags to put their purchases in, and receipts should become optional – not everyone keeps their receipts anyway.

Switch to energy-efficient lighting

Businesses are the biggest energy consumers. Switching to energy-efficient fixtures such as lighting will have a positive impact on the environment. Eco-friendly lighting options are aplenty these days. Gone are the environmentally harmful fluorescent lights and bulbs. Using solar power is also another way of conserving electrical energy. Solar power has an endless and free supply from the sun, so harnessing it to use in business operations will be significantly beneficial.

Use recycled materials for packaging

Packaging need not be made from new raw materials. Using recycled materials is far more sustainable, and we all know what happens to product packaging when customers get home – it ends up in the trash. Using recycled materials for packaging will not make you feel guilty, as they can still be recycled many times.

Buy used store furniture and fixtures

Small businesses can save money by using used furniture and fixtures instead of buying new ones made of metal, plastic and other materials that require the use of raw natural resources to produce.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to reducing the carbon footprint we put out into the environment. And we don't need any law to start being green; as long as we understand what becoming green entails, who's stopping us from doing it? But it also helps to be in collaboration with government to ensure success. Hopefully, in the coming years, more and more business and individuals will switch to green practices until such time that our planet is back to its original condition.

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