Sally Lewis

Fix the Error occurred while Loading the Page in AOL Mail

You may usually receive the message An Error occurred while loading the page, when using AOL Mail to perform mailing works. There are times, when errors occurred and stop you from using the email account. The solutions are available to help you out from such issue and also helping you to manage your email account in your desired manner. AOL Support Number provides appropriate measures to fix down the issues.

Solutions for this issue are as follows:

Clear cache and cookies to reset the settings:

Whenever you browse to any websites, temporary internet files and cookies are stored on your system to record your return visits. Sometimes, these are the causes for the issue you are facing. So, you need to clear cache and cookies to refresh the settings.

Use any other browser or computer:

Sometimes, the default browser which you are using could not able to run your email account as you may need to check out any other browser. You may also check out by using your email account on any other computer and see that the issue still exists or not.

Read Also: Manage Spam Settings in Your AOL Mail

Allow friendly URLs and Disable the popup blocking software:

If you are using a firewall, you can allow the friendly URLs which are useful for you. To fix such issues, you may disable your popup blocking software. If you are not sure how to disable it then you may need to get connect with tech support team to know about the vital measures.

See if Java Applet scripting and Cookies are Enabled in the Internet Options:

1. At first, click on the Start button, now click on Programs and All Programs option, and then click on Internet Explorer.

2. Click on the Tools menu, again click to Internet Options.

3. Click on the Security tab.

4. Click on the icon of Internet, and then you may click on the button of Custom Level.

5. Now scroll down to the Scripting section, then below Active Scripting and choose the option of Enable by clicking it, click to OK.

6. Click on the Privacy tab.

7. Click on the Advanced option.

8. Click on the Override automatic cookie handling box to place a check mark in it, choose the two Accept options by clicking them, and click to OK.

9. Finally, you may click on the OK button.

Log out and then login to your AOL Mail:

If mail cannot be retrieved from AOL Mail, logging out of AOL Mail and then logging back to your email account.

1. Click on the Sign out to log out of AOL MAIL.

2. Click on the link of Mail.

3. Type your username.

4. Type your password and again login to your email account.

You Can Read Also: What to Do When AOL Mail Account Login Screen is Lost?

After observing the above listed measures, you can easily fix down the issue. If you confront any issue then you can contact to the AOL Phone Number 0800 098 8400 to get the instant solutions and useful measures to resolve the issues.

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