Tata Nech

9 Tips to Save a Marriage If You're on the Verge

There are many prejudices in matters of marriage, and they are surprisingly tenacious. Some women think that if she couldn’t build a relationship with this man, then everything will be different with another.

In a few years, life together often turns into a routine. Reciprocal accusations can only bring to another quarrel. Remember your love that has bound you for several years, think about the children, how they will survive your separation, and try to find a solution.

Understand the essence of the problem

Discuss with your loved one why he became dissatisfied with you. Why did he like your short skirts before, and now he methodically destroys them? Try to write down all his claims in a notebook, and in a short time a list of all your "jambs" will be formed. Analyze his comments, perhaps he reproaches you for the case? Forbids to shout at children, to gossip for hours on the phone - there is a rational grain in his words. Therefore, you need to understand your weaknesses and shortcomings.

Or maybe he is grumbling at you, and means himself, finds fault with your appearance, and at the same time is dissatisfied with himself. Help him - your task is to find out the true cause of your frustrations.

Joint leisure

Joint spending fastens the family, and when parents with children go to the forest, sledding or skiing, they will never be bored together. Because they have one view of life and joint leisure. Try to share the views of his half on a joint rest, and gradually you will probably love it too. And if his point of view on rest is useful for children, be it a bicycle ride, puzzles, dances, songs, books, the more fun you will have time and you will feel like a real family - friendly and strong.

Even on fishing, everyone can find a benefit for themselves: the husband catches fish, and mommy with the child walks along the bank or in the forest. The baby can show plants, flowers, cones, tell where they grow, what shape and color. Compare different leaves, explain to the child how they differ, why are green, and not a different color, what happens to them in the fall. This is very informative and interesting for the baby. So much for the fishing!

Mutual entertainment

Discuss with your husband what you would like to do separately and what together. No one should feel slighted, inevitably submitting to the interests of the partner. Strengthen relationships with friends, organize gatherings with mutual friends. You have common interests, but you need to outline the circle and what you will do one by one.

Determine the scope of people who can be your mutual friends. It is normal to have separate, individual friends as far as this is your total solution.

Flirt by messages

Every man has his own erotic fantasies, but your main task is to get to know them and bring it to life. Are you shy or do not dare to talk about them out loud? Then write each other notes or messages. It intrigues men.

You can try with time to move from words to deeds, when you exactly determine what is the most exciting for your partner. Perhaps these notes will do the thing: the discussion itself will already give a feeling of flirting and making dreams come true.

Pleasant surprises

Do not miss the moment when the interest of the husband begins to weaken, take timely measures to prevent this. Arrange him a romantic dinner by candlelight, while being in a frank dress.

Give your beloved a relaxing massage, watch a bedtime movie for adults. Your husband asked you to bake pancakes at the weekend, do not consider this a whim, give him gastronomic pleasure. It is in your power to make a pleasant surprise to your beloved, especially since you already know his passions and weaknesses.

Variety of intimate life

The big mistake of women is to assume that a man should do everything in bed. In fact, he simply dreams not to ask, but to receive. Try to find out what he likes, listen to him and watch what kind of caresses you enjoy.

The second option - explain what you like. Do not hush up unpleasant moments, if you do not react, the man believes that everything is in order. To revive the intensity of the relationship, change the situation. Night will help to revive passionate feelings in an extraordinary place, for example, you can stuck in the elevator!

Mutual assistance

The wife makes the house cozy: bakes pies, keeps housekeeping, goes to work. After some time, she notices that she has driven herself into a corner, having loaded herself with all the everyday problems. For a husband, the situation when all the concerns are on the woman is apparently habitual and convenient. And if there is no reaction from his side for a long time, sooner or later he will observe the wife become an evil fury. Calmly invite him to participate equally in household chores.

Rest from each other

There are families where the spouses travel separately for rest, each has their own company, and she goes to the theater, cinema or museum with a friend, and he with a friend, and so on. Together they go to the store, raise children and solve various everyday issues, but they spend their holidays separately, so they are both comfortable.

And this is acceptable when one of them loves loneliness, and the second is very active. Each spouse should have a personal space, no need to panic because of the desire of the partner to take some time off from you. It will be good for everyone to change their surroundings for a while, or to spend a little time alone. Well, a person has a need to be alone, respect it. Agree that once in one or two years you have the right to go on holiday alone, and once a week or a month - to arrange a “bachelor party” or “bachelorette party” without the second half.

Changing priorities

In family life, it often happens that one spouse achieves more in his career and begins to earn more. If a woman becomes this more successful person, it is difficult for her companion to come to terms with it. His male pride suffers, he feels less important in his family than his wife, and offended.

A woman is obliged to reconsider her views on her husband and family, how much she likes this change of priorities. If she wants to keep her family, she can help her husband to earn more without giving up her earnings.

How to escape from a divorce

If family relations are cracking, then it’s time to find the cause of the problems and fix it. If it lies in the shortcomings of one of the partners, it may be necessary not to fight them, but to accept them. Before you file for a divorce, think carefully about everything, the crisis in the relationship may pass, and the relationship will be adjusted again. Family psychologist tips help many couples get away from a divorce. A specialist will help to find a problem in a relationship and restore peace and harmony.

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