Trip Travel Guide

New Zealand’s dangerous animals and vegetation

New Zealand has an insignificant amount of poisonous or dangerous animals and plants. Anyway, there are some native species that are interesting to know about their poisons. For this reason, we believe it is important to give you some advice if you are organizing a trip to this country. Certainly, in this article, we talk about New Zealand’s dangerous animals and vegetation.

Our mission is to provide you with all the information and tips before you get there. Next, you can find some the more common poisonous plants, animals and insects on the island that often create discomfort.

Discovering dangerous species in NZ

Dangerous animals and insects

Katipo Spider: currently it is very strange to see this type of spider. Anyway, it is important to know that if they bite you, you should go quickly to the hospital. The spiders are black and have a red stripe on the back.

Sand flies: there are a lot of them and they are annoying since they cut the skin to feed on blood and causes rashes or hives. Please, avoid camping near sandy areas and remember to bring insect repellent.

Bluebottle: unfortunately, it is too difficult to detect in the water. They can cause a painful sting, you should avoid contact with them to prevent further damage.

Sharks: there a lot of sharks in the waters surrounding New Zealand. Anyway, there are very few attacks. Obviosly, surfers may have a higher risk.

White-tailed spider: the spider bites, but is not extremely painful and won't cause any problems.

Dangerous plants

Thorn Apple (Datura): it is one of the most dangerous plants on the island. Certainly, some people eat this plant to experience the hallucinogenic effects. However, the side effects include overstimulation of the heart along with a strong muscle relaxant.

Jerusalem cherry (Solanum Diflorum): these bush berries are mildly toxic for humans and animals. The plant bears small orange, yellow, and red fruits.

Death Cap Mushroom: If you consume one of these, it will destroy your liver sharply before treatment can be given, which often causes death.

Castor oil plant (Ricinus): These are known as the most poisonous common plant by the Guinness World Records. They are poisonous when ingested and could cause the death.

In conclusion, there are a very low amount of New Zealand’s dangerous animals and vegetation but it is essential to know them.

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