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Homework Assignments to Enhance Student Engagement in Secondary Education

Students in the age group of twelve to eighteen year are usually associated with secondary education. This age bracket signifies that most of the students are adolescents or teenagers, who do not necessarily have a good opinion on homework assignments. It is a herculean task to make a teenager focus on something other than himself or herself. They are constantly looking for freedom and lesser involvement from parents while exploring their sexuality. It won’t be wrong to say that because of the physical changes; a teenager is emotionally charged as well. They think that nobody understands them and that their problems and issues are way too complicated for their parents to understand. However, homework assignments engage them and keep them involved in their education process, while also providing a break from other forms of stress. There are ways in which student engagement is enhanced via homework tasks, some of them are discussed as follows.

 Impedes Self-Obsession

Homework assignments temporarily obstruct the self-obsession among teenagers. For an hour or two, homework assignments manage to keep a teenager away from issues relating to his body image. He is relieved of the anxiety caused by the surge of hormones.

 Makes Students Sociable

Adolescents have a tendency to remain between the four walls of their room, they barely venture out of their rooms to participate in household activities. The reason for such behavior is simple they crave privacy, which is good to some extent but sometimes such privacy leads them to overthinking which has consequences such as depression, suicidal tendencies etc. However, homework sometimes can become a means to bring a teenager out of the four walls of his room. Through Homework help or assignment help, parents can enter into the closed private space of a teenager. They can assist him in his work while also getting a peep into his world.

 Makes Students Academically Active

When a student in high school is given a sophisticated task to complete, he is compelled to remain in touch with his educators or teachers. He seeks their assistance for example, for management assignment help, a student may start taking extra classes from a commerce teacher. He may even find a mentor in him.

Thus, engaging students academically is the only type of fruitful engagement. If a student channelizes his energies to places other than school or a college, he is bound to fail in future. Homework Help assignments are, therefore, very necessary to keep the student in touch with the academic world. They are like torches in a dark hallway, they guide a student through his educational journey to a promising future. Completion of assignments on time and good grades are a bonus satisfaction for the student as well as his parents. We are living through an age wherein, parents are not able to spare much time for their children but they nevertheless care and when a child brings home an assignment graded well, it somehow convinces the parents that their child is advancing in life.

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