
My Facial Skincare Routine

During my teens I suffered from acne. It wasn't severe but I hated it nonetheless. I would have breakouts every month especially when Aunt Flo was in town and once those pimples and blackheads cleared they'd leave me with dark marks on my face.

I'm glad to announce that that is a thing of the past! I have figured my skin out and mastered how to take care o it so that it loves me back.

I have oily skin so I am quite prone to acne and pimples. Before I saw a dermatologist, I tried all sorts of face washes and creams with little to no success. my skin would always end up doing what it does best, producing excessive amounts of oil thus leading to pimples.

My facial skincare routine consists of washes, scrubs, masks and moisturizers. I recently learnt a tip from my sister only to discover I've been washing my face WRONG all this time. Apparently you're not supposed to splash it with water before you lather your face wash because the water creates a sort of barrier, preventing the face wash from really getting in there (or so I'm told). You're supposed to lather your face with your face wash then rinse with warm water.


Every morning I cleanse my face using Eucerin DermoPurifyer Oil Control Cleanser and luke-warm water. I create a lather on my hands then gently wash my face in circular motions and rinse off with warm water. Every now and then I use the Eucerin Dermopurifyer Oil Control Scrub and follow the same wash routine. I then pat my face dry with a clean cloth the proceed to part 2.

I use Eucerin DermoPurifyer Oil Control Toner for step 2 in the mornings. I put just a small amount on a cotton pad and gently wipe my face with it. You don't need a large amount of toner for your face. Sometimes I'm surprised by the amount of dirt still on my face when I look at the cotton pad after wiping LOL.

Step 3 consists of moisturizing my face using a combination of Cetaphil Daylong SPF 40 sunscreen (which was recommended by a dermatologist) and an about fingertip sized squeeze of Eucerin DermoPurifyer Oil Control Adjunctive Soothing Cream.

*Clicks usually has a 3 for 2 deal on Eucerin facial products


I have 2 different creams that I alternate between every night; both of which were prescribed by a dermatologist but I'm sure you can buy them over the counter. I don't use Eucerin products at night.

The first SBR Repair cream, which I make use of on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and weekends. I use it once a day on these days at night after cleansing my face with the Eucerin DermoPurifyer Oil Control Cleanser/Scrub. The SBR Repair Cream is actually for very dry skin. I am not 100% sure why I was advised to use it because my skin is oily but hey, it's doing the things! What SBR Repair Cream actually does is add fatty substances to the skin that would normally take days to naturally produce.

The second I use on Tuesdays and Thursdays (don't ask me why, that's just how I spaced my creams out) and is called Advantan Ointment. I hear there are many different ones but the one I am using is manufactured by Bayer(Pty) Ltd. Advantan reduces skin irritation as well as redness and acne scars. Since using it, my skin has never been clearer.

This is how I take care of my face and keep it looking clean and fresh all day every day.

You should speak to a dermatologist for professional advice on what works well with your skin type. Skin care is not something that is "one size fits all". I've used creams in the past that I was advised were "the best" from people and they just did not work for my skin at all.

My skin is the best it has ever been. I manage to keep breakouts to a minimum (birth control also helps with my overactive hormones) and I very pleased with my choice of skin care. This is not meant to be a post to praise Eucerin but do give it a try if your skin problems are similar to mine.

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