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How To Organize Your Thoughts When Writing An Essay?

When you are working on an essay, you should learn how to organize your thoughts effectively. The way how you organize the thoughts can contribute a lot towards the overall success of the essay. However, most people don’t have a clear understanding on how to proceed with organizing thoughts in the most effective way. That’s why we thought of sharing details with you on how you will be able to organize your thoughts effectively as you continue to write the essay.

Use Sticky Notes

One of the best methods available for you to organize your thoughts would be to use sticky notes. You can purchase a stack of sticky notes at an affordable price. Then you can pick a clean space for pasting the sticky notes. As you continue to write down your thoughts on the sticky notes, you will be able to paste them on the wall. This is a proven method available to group the thoughts that you have. However, this exercise can cost you a considerable amount of time. If you don’t have time to be spent on that, you can visit https://www.reddit.com/r/essaywritinglab/comments/m9o6bb/best_essay_writing_service_reddit/ and locate the best essay writing service available out there. It will provide a better alternative approach for you get the essay written.

Draw A Mind Map

Another effective and proven method for organizing your thoughts would be to draw a mind map. It will provide a simple method to connect the different thoughts that you have in your mind. You must have seen how people draw mind maps for different purposes. You can take a look at them and continue with drawing a mind map on your own. Make sure that it is properly surrounded by unique thoughts and ideas. Then you can get the maximum returns at the end of the day.

You will need to use a notebook or a sheet of paper to proceed with creatin a mind map. You will need to include the most predominant thought in the center of the mind map. Then you can draw a circle around that thought. Then you will need to draw the connected thoughts around the most predominant thought and establish the connection through a line. You will need to continue to add thoughts into your mind map as needed.

When you are working on the mind map, you will be able to create sub-maps, which contain related thoughts. This will provide better assistance to you with properly organizing the ideas.

Create A List

An essay would include a flow of thoughts. This is why it is important for you to create a list as you proceed with writing an essay. This is one of the best methods available to you as of now for organizing your thoughts. A list may seem like an old fashion method of arranging the thoughts. However, the effectiveness associated with this method is proven. Therefore, you don’t have to think twice before you create a list.

You can simply take a piece of paper and continue to write the list. Make sure that you are clearly writing down one thought per line in the essay. Once you are finished creating the list, you should take a quick look at it. This is where you will be able to see the different connections and similarities that are included in the list.

For example, if you're writing an essay about "surf accessories" these are the keywords associated with the topic:








Paddling etc

Develop A Timeline

If you are going to write an essay on a subject where the flow of events along with time matter a lot, you can think about developing a timeline. You can develop the thoughts either in the form of a traditional timeline, or in the form of a calendar. You will be able to properly arrange the thoughts and start working on it with the help of the timeline that you are creating.

You will have numerous timeline methods available to select. Make sure that you go through those different methods and pick the best timeline method out of them. Then you will need to take a piece of paper and divide that into different slots. You should be including only one event or a thought in a slot. Then you will be able to effectively arrange everything and get the job done without encountering any major problems.

This is where you will notice how you will have all the freedom to properly organize the ideas and the timeline in a way, where you would see it will fit. You should also take enough notes for yourself and proceed with working on the timeline. Then you can use the developed timeline as the base and start working on the essay.

Tell A Story

You can also think about telling a story with your essay. This method will help you with properly arranging your thoughts as well. You will also notice how this approach is providing numerous options for you to consider. For example, you will be able to go ahead and tell a story via storytelling. Or else, you can use a puppet show or acting in order to tell a story. It is even possible for you to draw a sketch and tell a story. Radio drama will be able to help on that as well.

Final Words

These are some of the different methods available for you to organize your thoughts as you continue to write an essay. You will need to keep these facts in mind and work on the essay accordingly. Then you will be able to end up with getting the maximum returns that the essay you write will offer. That’s because you will be able to easily arrange the thoughts without encountering any major challenges.

This may sound like some additional work that you have to do before you work on the essay. However, going through this additional step will help you to make your life easy as you work on the essay.

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