William Jacob

True Cloud ERP Solutions don't take shortcuts

Cloud technology has always been a hot topic of debate all over. While you can drive significant financial advantage with an actual cloud ERP solution, an artificial one may bring several problems for you. As a result, it is very crucial to know the difference between a real and fake cloud-based ERP system.

Legacy apps also termed on-premise apps, utilized old technologies that restrict the users to gain the best experience. But with the evolving need of the workforce and the arrival of mobile technologies, the modern cloud infrastructure was deployed to cater to the requirements of a dynamic market. This sense of emergence is bringing a concern for all users to choose the top ERP software in Malaysia or elsewhere to secure superior outcomes.

Make a Better-Informed Decision

This comprehensive guide will show you everything you should know about a cloud ERP system and you will learn:

• Why all cloud ERP is not created equal?

• Why using a legacy solution may be risky for your company?

• Key parameters to look for when buying a cloud ERP solution

Let’s get started!

The Common Problems with Fake Cloud

Let’s focus on your current software product – the challenges, poor user experience, lack of integration capabilities, and custom coding to get reports. It’s big trouble, right? A fake cloud is a variant of a cloud-native app; however, it considers that users on each device would have similar requirements. With minor changes to appearance, an artificial one might host the same old app to modern infrastructure, without undergoing the process of mapping and knowing how users would communicate with each channel.

This trap could damage your business visibility, integration, and user-friendliness and that’s why you should look for the following warning signs:\

• Some need a specialized app for access and thus, the system has multiple limitations

• The user interface cannot be personalized

• The legacy software was developed with tools and techniques that aren’t relevant today

• Old ERP system may use proprietary tools to combine third-party apps

How to Tell the Difference Between Fake and Real Cloud ERP System?

Remember, the ERP vendor you choose must not compromise your security standards. To identify the true cloud ERP solution, here are some aspects you should know:

1. Mobile devices are their restrictions – They may attempt to secure new business possibilities before other ERP vendors and provide quick access to the information you need, combined with security, personalization, and speed. But they might lack real-time visibility into insights, a concern for all employees, and problem-solving abilities.

2. Cloud solutions enhance productivity – The productivity improves by delivering best-in-class functionality with industry-specific features, solutions for growth, and driving a high-tech foundation of software. You cannot alter obsolete technology for true cloud potential.

3. Fake cloud solutions aren’t built to scale – The artificial one may need custom development each time when a user demands new functionality and integration. The true cloud ERP delivers flexible architecture and integrate new apps without complex development.

Acumatica ERP – True Cloud Technology that Drives Competitive Advantage

If you’re looking for true cloud technology, you need to focus on three main areas i.e. flexibility, visibility, and growth, and fortunately, the Acumatica Cloud ERP system stands out in all aspects. It is a complete, multi-site solution that effectively supports and gives access to all facets of a business.

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