Yummy Pair

Interesting Lifestyle Food Trends To Explore In Canadian Festivals & Events

The world has definitely changed a lot since 2020. Now that we know how to adapt ourselves to the new normal, we can also expect a lot of changes in our festivals and celebrations. The same goes for our yearly trends in food and beverages in festivals and events. It’s no secret that food festivals and events are now looking different after the pandemic outbreak.

After a stressful 2020, most of us have shifted to lifestyle food habits with the aim of better health for our body, this plant and our wallets.

Nowadays, we are keener to embrace lifestyle food trends in our households, festivals, events, and celebrations since we have started considering food as a way of comfort, well-being, and socialism.

Have a look at the popular lifestyle food trends for upcoming Canadian festivals and events –

1. Being Mindful about Veganism and Vegetarianism

Whether you agree to accept it as a trend or not, veganism and vegetarianism are lifestyle habits that more and more people are joining. The rising concerns over a meat-centric diet and its environmental impact have led people to reconsider their meal plans.

As a result, we can see its impact on food trends even in festivals and events. So, be prepared to explore a range of plant-based food items when you head to a Canadian food festival in the upcoming days.

2. Prioritizing Mental Health in Food Too

Along with so many other things, this pandemic has taught us to prioritize overall mental and cognitive health. We can see its reflection in food trends as well. There is no denying that a lot of people are malnourished of some specific nutrients, which leads them to suffer from lasting effects. Hence, from 2021 onwards, we are going to experience a rising food trend that indicates eating for our mind and body is equally valued.

Count on some superfoods and ingredients that can release anxiety, boost our mood and support our mental health.

If you are going to visit any food festival or looking for any catering for event rentals services in Brampton, get ready to discover these food trends in all-inclusive lifestyle scenes.

3. Embracing the Love of Fusion Cuisine

We can’t agree more that our love for cross-cultural cuisines around the world is increasing day by day. The more we participate in various food festivals and events, the more we get to fulfill our craving for fusion cuisines such as Mexican-Korean, Chinese-Peruvian or Chino-Latino, and so much more. So, fusion dining is going to stay longer.

4. Rising Awareness for Low-Waste Foods

The shadow of rising concerns about climate change is seen in our lifestyle food trend as well. A large group of people in Canada prefer to go with eco-conscious purchasing decisions – making low- or zero-waste ones. Some event management companies and catering companies have come up with the idea of repurposing food scraps like carrot tops, potato peels, and broccoli stems that have previously ended up in the bin.

5. Dynamic Elevation of Desserts

In our effort to incorporate healthy eating habits, we place desserts in a far elevated position than ever before. Now, desserts are treated as a form of art combining new innovations and trends from around the world. Go to any restaurant, food fair or event; you’ll see how far creativity can go with unique desserts.

So, these are just five of the many predicted food trends for upcoming days. Whether you’re visiting any festival or looking for catering or event rentals services in Brampton, get ready to explore these trends incorporating there as well.

Which food trend is your favourite?

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