
15 healthy homemade snack bars that are WAY better than store-bought

Hands up if you love snack bars! Everyone? Good stuff

Now hands up if you love paying an arm and a leg for aforementioned snack bars! No one? Even better! Because I’ve got a collection of healthy homemade snack bars lined up for you guys today that’ll not only save you a tonne of money in the long run, but also help you avoid some of the more questionable ingredients found in a lot of the store-bought bars out there. Mmm hmm. We see you, shadies ?

I’m lucky in a roundabout kind of way, because having a peanut allergy basically forces me to make my own bars since I can’t eat 99% of the ones out there. But you don’t need to suffer from food allergies to have an excuse to make your own snack bars at home! You just need to want irresistibly delicious and healthy recipes that put store-bought bars to shame.

Like these ones here…

Luscious white chocolate and sweetly tart raspberries make for a KILLER flavour combo in these protein bars!

I always have a batch of these protein granola bars on hand. They’re the one recipe I’ve remade the MOST over the past 2 years.

No time for breakfast? No problem! These hearty oatmeal bars are perfectly portable and filling!

Only THREE INGREDIENTS stand between you and these ooey, gooey no-bake cereal bars.

What makes these tasty protein bars so darn soft and chewy? Two words: ALMOND.FUDGE.

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