Elsie Larson

How to Apply Bronzer Like a Pro

I love using powder bronzer to contour. It's quick and easy and looks very natural when done properly. This is how I incorporate bronzer into my every day routine.

Step One: Bronzer goes on after face makeup (foundation, concealer, and powder) but before blush. You can use any type of brush you like. My personal preference is a brush with soft, short bristles so I can control my placement.

Step Two: Using a sweeping motion, you're going to imagine that you're drawing a number 3 on your face. Bronzer should go along the hairline/upper forehead, just below the cheekbone and just below the jawline.

Step Three: Blending is super important, especially down the neck. Make sure everything is smoothly blended. If you feel like there's a harsh line that you can't get rid of, try using a little bit of translucent powder to smooth it out.

This is a great trick for when you know you're going to be photographed! Just like the contouring with concealers, sometimes it takes a bit if practice to get the placement right. Emma has killer cheekbones, so she's a great example of where to put the product! xo. -AnnaRose

Credits // Author: AnnaRose Kern. Photography: Sarah Rhodes. Photos edited with A Beautiful Mess Actions.

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