a house in the hills

ahouseinthehills.com · Nov 4, 2014

Pomegranate Rosemary Spritzer

Helllooo Tuesday! This is no ordinary Tuesday because today we’re celebrating Jess from How Sweet Eats and her pregnancy!!! It’s a virtual baby shower! I’m not super savvy with how virtual parties work (ok this is my first!), but I do love celebrating rad women doing amazing things!!! And honestly what is more amazing than GROWING A HUMAN BEING?! Nothing. Nothing at all. So Jess, hugest congrats to you and yours, that’s one lucky baby you’ve got sprouting in there! I made you a cocktail. (insert toothy emoji smile). I know, kind of a dick move since you can’t drink at the moment. BUT, I’m the gal that drinks too much champagne at real life baby showers and says embarrassing/inappropriate things to whoever is unfortunate enough to get stuck talking to me. So this is actually wildly appropriate and with the wonders of technology will still be here when you CAN enjoy a fizzy, sparkly, pomegranate-y drink once more! Congrats again!!! Happy baby shower-ing!!! xx- Sarah

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