Zelle Brown

Fit Week: Workout Challenge

It’s Fit Week on Southern Style! A few days this week, I’ll be sharing some things that are helping me stay motivated this year, starting with the 5-Week Workout Challenge. I always use pinterest to find fun new workouts, and I’ll favorite some that I really want to try. For this workout challenge, I combined a variety of workouts that I’ve come across to make a plan that works for me. It starts out slow and gradually increases – check out that last day!
What’s great about this workout is that it doesn’t require the gym. Though I plan on going to the gym most of the days so I can do cardio as well, this is a workout that you can fit in right before you hop in the shower or in your living room. I did a variation of this a month or so ago, and I was even able to squeeze in my workouts at a bed and breakfast that had no gym!
For some, this may be too easy and for others it may be too hard, but I really just created this challenge as a way to jump start my fitness, and maybe it’ll help you, too. Feel free to adapt to fit your needs and find what works best. If it’s too easy, add weights – especially in the early days. If it’s too difficult, do less reps or whatever works for you! I would love to hear any suggestions you may have. I’m hoping this plan will get me in the habit of getting back to the gym more often, and if I have this calendar to check off – as well as a few blog friends to hold me accountable-- I’ll be more likely to stick to it! If you share any fitness posts on Instagram or Twitter, feel free to tag them with #SSWorkoutChallenge.
Can’t wait to hear what works {and doesn't work} for you. And for me, I always feel more motivated when I have cute workout gear, so here are a few favorites to shop.
Shop Now:
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