jade scott

All About OTK Boots

Sweater: Nordstrom similar here and here, Scarf: old love this, this and this, Jeans: A Pea in the Pod similar non maternity here and here, Boots: Louise Et Cie (obsessed) also love these, Bag: Similar here and love this, Necklaces: Kate Spade, Nordstrom, Sunglasses: love these
Today I have teamed up with Nordstrom to talk about my go to Fall shoe. If you have been following my blog at all this Fall then it is obvious that my go to shoe for Fall has one hundred percent been over the knee boots. I can not stop wearing them. To me they are the perfect Fall and winter boot. My two favorite ways to wear them are either with a dress of some sort, mainly sweater dresses or with dark skinny jeans and a sweater, like today.
I have invested in a couple of great pairs this Fall because I just get so much use out of them. Nordstrom, as you m ay know, is my favorite place to shop online and in store for shoes or boots and is where I have gotten almost all of my boots! They have the best selection and a price range that will fit everyone's budget. I have linked all of my favorite pairs of OTK boots below.
These Louise Et Cie OTk boots are AMAZING! I really can not say enough good things about them. They really are comfortable. They are by far my favorite pair especially because of the color.
Today's outfit is one of my favorites. It is simple and has all of my current favorite things. I feel like you can add a fun scarf to almost any outfit and it instantly changes it and makes it more fun.
I hope you all had a great weekend! Thanks for stopping by.
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