A Very Sweet Blog

Too Faced Sweet Peach Glow Highlighting Palette, Papa Don't Peach Blush & Creamy Peach Oil Lip Gloss Review

Remember the limited edition Too Faced Sweet Peach eye shadow palette, that came out last year? It was so popular, Too Faced decided to make it permanent and add three new peach themed items for 2017: Sweet Peach Glow Highlighting Palette, Papa Don't Peach Blush and Creamy Peach Oil Lip Gloss.

Sweet-Bittersweet-NotSweet supersweet(run & buy it) sweet(really good,buy it) bittersweet(ok, issues)not sweet(not good,don't buy this stuff)

Too Faced Sweet Peach Glow Highlighting Palette $42 - Supersweet

I really love this palette! It contains (L-R) a highlighter, blush and contour shade. All of the shades make for a soft & pretty look. They really blend well together and this palette will be great leading into Spring & Summer. It's light. It's fresh. The only problem I have is that the contour shade will not work for darker skin tones. I feel Too Faced should've added two contour shades to this palette (one for lighter & darker skin tones). Many understandably felt left out because of this. Even for me, the contour shade is light ... but I can get away with it. I think all three look pretty on me.

I'm wearing the contour (perimeter of my face & nose), highlight (nose, cheeks & cupids bow) & blush (cheeks) in all three pictures below. I'm also wearing Papa Don't Peach lip gloss.

Too Faced Papa Don't Peach Blush $30 - Sweet

Too Faced Papa Don't Peach Blush was brought back from the ARCHIVES! I didn't know that until I read the products description. It's a bronzy (to me shimmering) peach blush, that can be used on the apples of the cheeks. I use to avoid shimmering blushes like the plague, because anything shimmery will highlight an area. And if you have (like I use to) acne or blemishes on your cheeks ... you don't want to add shimmer LOL My skin is much better now and I like this effect. I think the only other shimmering blush I have is Love Lust by Tom Ford. I'm more comfortable with the blush above, but this created a nice healthy peachy glow. I'm wearing Poppin Peach on my lips.

Too Faced Sweet Peach Creamy Peach Oil Lip Gloss $19 in

(L-R) Papa Don't Peach, Peach Tease and Poppin Peach - Sweet

Lip Gloss! Let's get to the nitty-gritty! The formula for this lip gloss is superb! It has a different feel from any lip gloss I've ever tried. It's lightweight. It's creamy. It's hardly sticky. The colors proved to be very soft & wearable on me, but I have to warn you ... these lip glosses look different on everyone! On some they look horrid and others very nice. Out of the 8 offered, I felt only these would work for me. So swatch them in store. I love the peach candy scent. I'm kind of not liking the little faces on the peaches. LOL I love the peach, but just not the faces. Many have complained that Too Faced is getting a little childish with their packaging. I love cute, but not kiddie. LOL So I have to agree.

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