
Hey party people! So if you follow me on IG you saw a glimpse into my project “Client Rad Trad” and read my conundrum about saving it for that book I am supposed to be writing (HA!) or if I debut the pics now, and then ALSO put them in the book. Well your response was an overwhelming PUT IT OUT NOW FOOL! I am a real sucker for peer pressure, and giving the peoples what the peoples wants….so introducing #ClientRADTRAD!!

This house was a ground up new construction build. When I was brought on to help, the owners were being led down a funky design path. Think glass “accent tile” in browns and weird yellow tone that made ZERO sense to this young hip family of 5. I pissed almost everybody off and flipped the switch on all the material selections, as well as tried my damnedest to give the clients what they truly wanted. This house was a monster of a job, but I really love it! It’s my version of “traditional” which infuses a bunch of bohemian accents, killer rugs, and of course a neutral palette. I went bold with wallpaper in the Master bedroom, and the dark in the dining room, and tried to make 7,000 sq. feet of house feel like a quaint little cozy cottage!

Here are the highlights from my shoot with the one and only ride or die Tessa.












Photography by: Tessa Neustadt

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