Halloween Weekend

MY DETAILS: Blue Oversized Sweatshirt // Sunglasses // Distressed Jeans // Cut Off Shorts // Black Swimsuit // Black Sweater (sold out; similar here) // Donut Raft

ATTICUS’ DETAILS: Shark Costume // Crab Beanie (sold out but love THIS reindeer one for winter) // Henley (my FAVORITE! I got both colors and he is wearing size 12T) // Vest (size 12T) // Black Leggings (yes he is wearing girl ones haha) // Red Moccasins (in color cherry) // Seahorse Swimsuit

David and I were talking about Halloween and coming up with all of these ideas of what we could be and then we realized…….. we have a total of zero friends in Alabama and literally would have no where to go to dress up haha! Losers. So we decided to head to Destin for the weekend. We obviously couldn’t not dress Atticus up for his first halloween though so we last minute got this shark costume. David was actually last minute going to be a shark attack victim and I was going to be a lifeguard and we thought we would just dress up for fun but we got to Destin right at sunset so we didn’t have time! Maybe next year we will have friends and dress up… haha but Atticus was loving his costume and we both kept saying that we swear he knew he was dressed up or something because he was getting such a kick out of it like he was showing off or something – it was kind of adorable.

Then of course we went and got 10 corn dogs at Sonic. No, like literally 10. They are the best corn dogs ever.. I swear the batter is just extra thick and delicious and they were only 50 cents on Halloween sooo we took full advantage. I swear Sonic is the best/worst.. I love their food (I am a sucker for fast food) but I swear they get something wrong every single time AND they take for-ev-er. Never have I gone through and had it take less than 12 min and they always forget my ketchup and always get our order wrong so we always say, “we are never going back!!” and then next week we are stuck in that gosh dang drive thru getting that corn dog and Sonic blast again. Anyways thennn we went to Taco Bell and got their new pink starburst slush which is literally spot on. I am not kidding, you all have got to do get one. We planned on watching a scary movie after but we fell asleep early.. fat and lazy and hilarious could describe our night haha.

The post Halloween Weekend appeared first on Barefoot Blonde by Amber Fillerup Clark.

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