Cozy Christmas Sew Along - Cute Little Trees Tutorial!!

Good morning cute people... I'm excited to share a new Cozy Christmas tutorial for you:) Look at these Cute little Trees!

I know we have finished our quilt... but I'm having fun making my home "Cozy for Christmas" and I thought I'd share with you some of the things that I'm making.

Today I'm showing you how I made these fun and easy Cute Little Trees:)

First I decided to use a mix of these Cozy Christmas prints for the tree block backgrounds. I cut them 5 1/2" square.
I cut 16 of them:)

Then I grabbed these two Cozy Christmas Sew Simple Shapes
I cut interfacing according to the cutting guide... 4" square for the B-14 and 2" square for the B-1

I traced the shapes onto the interfacing:)

I chose 16 - 4" squares for the trees...

And paired them up with the background squares.

I chose 16 squares for the trunks. I had some 2 1/2" squares already so I decided to use them.

Then I paired up the trunks with the trees.

I sewed the trunks like this... leaving the top open for turning. I backstitched when I stopped and started.

However... I sewed all the way around the traced lines on the trees like normal.
I trimmed around my sewn lines... and cut an "X" in the interfacing only on the back of the trees for turning.

And pressed them after turning and shaping.

16 cute little triangles...

For 16 Cute Little Trees:)

Now for the appliqué! I placed the trunk in the center 1" up from the bottom.

The tree goes in the center and 3/4" down from the top...

Although I pinned and machine appliquéd all of the trunks first.

I just used white thread and a tiny zig-zag stitch.

Then I went ahead and pinned the trees and appliqued them in the same way.

I layed all of the blocks out and did a final audition for placement.

At this point it would be a great idea to sew one of the larger Cute Little Buttons on top of the tree... or decorate the tree by sewing several of the tiny ones on each one. I didn't do that yet... because I ran out of but I will probably add them later!

I sewed all of my blocks together like this... to measure 20 1/2" square at this point because each block finishes at 5" square.
I had a 22" pillow form so I added 1 1/2" strip borders all the way around and made an envelope pillow back. I like to use envelope pillow backs a lot so that I can easily slip it off the form and use it as a mini quilt as well. (and also making it easy to sew on the buttons later)

I put in on the sofa in my family room to cozy it up for the holidays... and added my Cozy Snowman Pillow too!

I hope you have fun making your own #CuteLittleTrees
Stay tuned for more cozy project tutorials because they're coming your way! xx Lori

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