Jiawa Liu

How to wear jewellery effortlessly for everyday – with Michael Hill

(Photography by Jane Lee)

My key tips on how to wear jewellery effortlessly for everyday.

Jewellery is guaranteed to take any outfit to the next level, but it makes just as much impact to your everyday outfit as it does when you’re dressing up to the nines (maybe even more so). In fact, you might find that choosing and styling jewellery for everyday wear can be even more challenging – to look amazing without even trying, now that’s an art in itself. So here are my top tips on how to wear jewellery effortlessly for everyday, thanks to some amazing Stirling silver pieces from Michael Hill as case in point.

Choose simple jewellery with a quirk

I love simple jewellery because of how versatile they are for both work and play. However, always look for a quirky detail that will make the pieces stand out. I’m wearing some very simple and understated pieces from Michael Hill’s Stirling silver range, but each piece has an interesting detail that present focal points to pull any ultra-casual outfit together.

Studs are always a good idea

Earrings are a must to complete any outfit, but I would always recommend simple studs for everyday wear, because blingy earrings immediately look like effort, which is exactly what we don’t want. I love these Stirling silver sphere studs from Michael Hill, which are a cool modern twist on a classic style (refer to point 1 re: simple jewellery with a quirk).

Hand and wrist wear are a package deal

Always dress up your hands with both rings and a bracelet. It should always be a complete package. You would never want a ring on each finger, but it’s absolutely recommended to stack a few on just one or two on each hand. Emma & Roe by Michael Hill has a beautiful range of rings specifically made for stacking. Mine are the ridged stack rings in basic band and cool black cubic zirconia. They also come in every ring size, so a clever thing to do is to get a few in smaller sizes so you can wear them higher on your finger.

Don’t be afraid to match your jewellery

I’m not at all against matching jewellery. In fact, I think that it’s another way to express yourself, where the pieces are something meaningful to you. I love this matching Stirling silver infinity necklace and bracelet from Michael Hill. The infinity symbol to me stands for love, positivity and friendship, so wearing these as matching pieces really speaks to my sentimental side.

Use your jewellery to set the vibe

You might not think it, but jewellery is absolutely key in setting the ‘vibe’ of your look. For example, imagine some clean metallic pieces for a modern chic look, or natural crystal elements when you’re going for something boho-beachy. Case in point, my outfit would be very plain indeed without a few carefully selected pieces of jewellery to pull it together. The Michael Hill pieces I’m wearing are delicate, feminine and relaxed, which set the vibe for that relaxed but put-together weekend/vacay look that I love.

See the full range of Michael Hill jewellery on their online shop, or find a store near you to see and touch in person (so important when buying jewellery!). Also check out their Facebook and Instagram (@michaelhillj).

Jewellery – all from Michael Hill

(Photography by Jane Lee)

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The post How to wear jewellery effortlessly for everyday – with Michael Hill appeared first on Beige Renegade.

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