Paleo Apple Cinnamon Plantain Waffles (AIP Friendly)

Weekends are when I typically choose to do recipe development in the mornings. Though I tend to be rather strict with myself staying on schedule during the weeks, I have been trying to change things around on Saturdays and Sundays. Therefore, this weekend I felt led to revisit my Sunday Morning Waffle recipe, and make it Autoimmune-Paleo friendly. After a couple different variations, I believe I found the recipe that mimics my original waffles quite closely. The key is to use a very green plantain, as this allows them to be more airy and crisp, rather than chewy and a bit dense. Both variations of waffles were equally tasty, however, today's recipe is the one that was voted best overall, as my parents enjoyed theres with maple syrup a long side the usual eggs and bacon. If you are looking to avoid all forms of sugar, you can also easily make this recipe more of a savory waffle by omitting the cinnamon and maple sugar. Either way you choose to make them, they are a great addition to your weekend breakfast, brunch, or even dinner for a fun twist!

Apple Cinnamon Plantain Waffles Print Recipe Ingredients
  • Grease waffle iron with extra oil and preheat.
  • To make the gelatin egg, place the water in a small bowl and sprinkle the gelatin over it, allowing to bloom for 5 minutes.
  • Peel plantain and place in a food processor along with the apple sauce, avocado oil, cinnamon, baking soda, and sea salt.
  • Blend mixture until smooth.
  • Next, add in gelatin egg and continue blending until fully incorporated.
  • Once the waffle iron is preheated, scoop batter into the iron, sprinkling with maple sugar as desired.
  • Close waffle iron and allow to cook until the iron beeps green and the waffles are firm and crisp.
  • Using a knife, loosen the edges of the waffle to remove.
Recipe Notes
If you have issues getting the waffles out of the iron, simply open the iron and allow them to sit for a few minutes before removing. If you wish to make the waffles savory, simple omit the cinnamon and maple sugar.
(Pin Recipe For Later)

John 9:25 "He replied, "Whether he is a sinner or not, I don't know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!"
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