Melody Bordeaux

BAE: Snowflake has struck

Kolten is now old enough to understand parts of Christmas and his favorite is Snowflake and she follows him home on the weekends to make sure he is a good boy and get his toys
from Santa Claus. That is the story we tell.

Today while he was gone “Snowflake” made a surprise visit to his house and placed up to this special present to his home. On our double-doors in the kitchen, I clean them and place the scene on the door. I sent messages to his parents to let them know what she made the visit so when he comes home I am going to film them to see the look on his face.
This kit is super nice and easy which is what you need at this time of the year. It comes in two rolls one with part of the picture and the next with the other side of the picture. Just remove the stickers from the kit and place them right on to the window. This is a keeper for me in family traditions.

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