
POPFLEX, 100 Years of Workout Style & Ronda Rousey

Hey guys!

How have you been doing this week? What did you think of the

Fat Burning Cardio video? I thought it was really evil. I am unsure why I ever put together that combination. But, I know you did it anyway, and guess what? YOU’RE STILL ALIVE! So we’s all gooooood :)

For the past few weeks since the clothing has arrived in the Bay Area at our warehouse, our team has been dedicated to preparing for the POPFLEX launch. I used to think you could just make clothes and put em up and sell them, but there’s so much more that goes into it. Because we’re predominantly an online business, pictures are actually extremely important. I used to take photography for granted until one customer told me, “Whoa, your products actually look way better in real life than they do in pics.”

That’s when I knew there was A LOT of room for learning. Over the past few years since running an ecommerce store, I really do believe our photography has gotten better over time – it’s empowering to see progress. But nothing compares to the intensity and effort that went into our debut POPFLEX look book photoshoot.

So…I really would love for you to to take a moment and flip through this gorgeous look book. I’m not even just talking about the clothes – I’m talking about the dancers, their gravity-defying poses, the crisp lighting, and the impeccable timing our photographer had. As the creative director for this shoot, I am so happy that the chemistry between everyone flowed. It was such an inspiring day of happy energy and continuous inspiration.

To view the look book, you will need to sign up for the POPFLEX newsletter right here. I think you’ll fall in love with how POWERFUL the poses and the girls are. And remember, the line drops at 12PM tomorrow January 14th, 2016 at The only way to shop the line is if you have the password to unlock the site. And the only way to get the password is to register for the waiting list here.

I literally cannot wait for you to FEEL THE CLOTHES!!! AHHHHH!!!!!

Anyway, speaking of clothes, have you seen this video yet?

I had the amazing opportunity to team up with MODE to create this really awesome video called “100 Years of Workout Style“! I don’t know if you’ve seen their other videos, but I AM OBSESSED with their 100 years series. You need to watch the video above because you will get a quick, fun, and very accurately historical understanding of how working out has evolved over the past century! Here I am in 1940’s workout clothing (umm Taylor Swift anyone!?) riding this snazzy air humping bike!

I had such a great time on set working with MODE. The whole day was literally a dress-up dream come true! I got to try on soooooo many authentic vintage costumes and play with actual fitness equipment from literally the 1900s. It was also really cool learning popular hand gestures and movements that were appropriate to the time period. What makes the whole thing truly magical is that everyone on set is HAVING FUN! My director Avelino Pombo is the best. He always makes me feel comfortable. He really wanted this video to be super “Cassey” so he let me smile a lot and be weird! Haha!

Also…huge shoutout to my 2 makeup artists who had to complete ALL the looks in this video! We only had 30 min to do hair, makeup, do a costume change, AND film the decade! It was MADNESS!!!! But we got it done and it was sooo sooo cool! It’s one of my most favorite videos ever. I hope you enjoy it and share it with your friends.

Next…I am so honored to be on Greatist’s list of 100 Most Influential Health & Fitness people in the world for the third year in a row. And this year…

I’m right in between my two faves Ronda Rousey and Dr. Oz!?! AHH!!! DYING! I love everything Ronda stands for. She really GETS IT when it comes to body image – as in – who cares what your body looks like. Just do what you do and kick butt at it. And quite literally in her case.

I always want to congratulate my friends Natalie Jill, Lewis Howes, Fully Raw Kristina, and Tara Stiles for making the list! Remember what I always say about surround yourself around positive people who inspire you? Well when we all inspire one another, we all make each other better. So proud of my friends!

How do you feel like your group of friends are? Are they nudging you on to be better or do you feel like they bring you down? Comment below.

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