
Power Girl Challenge

Hey guys!

Because Feb is the official month of LOVE, I want to dedicate our Feb to spreading GIRL LOVE. That’s why on February 1st, I want all of us to tweet, instagram or facebook post about a “power girl” or “power woman” who inspires you. Maybe it’s your mom? Maybe it’s a celebrity? An author? Your sister? Whoever it is, on Feb 1, I want all of us to take a moment and show our appreciation for the women in our lives who inspire us. When you post, make sure to use the hashtag #powergirlcrush. Let’s see if we can get it trending!

Also, if you like spreading positive vibes (who doesn’t?), then I have the perfect challenge for you. I invite you to join me on a 14 day journey towards self empowerment and self discovery. This is the POWER GIRL CHALLENGE.

high res version

Every day for 14 days beginning Feb 1, I want you to take a photo in the pose of the day. In the caption of your pic, take a moment to journal what the hashtag of the day means to you. It could be short…it could be long…doesn’t matter. It’s however that word or phrase makes you feel. This daily practice will encourage you to take a moment to appreciate who you are, what you’re about, and dig deeper into what makes you, you.

And guess what else? I’m gonna sweeten Feb by hosting another POPFLEX contest for everyone who joins in on the challenge!

Both outfits,


  1. Screenshot the challenge and post it on your Instagram, tagging @blogilates and @blogilatesdesigns. Hashtag #powergirlcrush.
  2. Every day for 14 days, post the pose of the day with the hashtag of the day.
  3. After Feb 14th, I will randomly pick a winner who has participated all days of the challenge.


You will win a full POPFLEX OUTFIT (top and bottom) as well as your fave Couture Yoga Mat!

Couture Yoga Mat,

You can be from any country and be of any age! I cannot wait to see all of your thoughtful posts! Feb 1 we will kick it off hard and spread the girl love across the world!

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