How To Live A More Adventurous Life

By Jessica Sletmo

It’s so easy to get into a habit of only living for the big things in life. A trip around the world is an adventure, but so is your everyday life. Living an adventurous life is about pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and trying new things. Here’s how to bring out the adventurer in you!

Image via Tuula

How To Be Your Most Adventurous Self

By Free People

“Adventure shapes you. It pulls you out of your comfortable life and shakes you awake. It makes your hair stand on end. It’s the static that shocks you. It’s the sand in between your toes and the person you talked to at 2 am on the streets of Rome. That might sound like it’s out of reach. I promise, it’s not. Not at all.

If there is one thing I know for sure, it’s that there are no rules for adventure. There is no one way to do it. You are multi-dimensional, and so is your life. Adventure can be found every day – it’s not just the big stuff.”

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How To Find Adventure In Every Day

By Erin Outdoors

“If you offered me a plane ticket to Mexico for later tonight, I’d probably take it. But it would be a hard choice. Because as much as I love to travel, to explore, to be waist-deep in water in some cave in New Zealand, to be somewhere that isn’t “home,” I also love sitting in my kitchen drinking coffee all day, writing, working.

I love my home life, my life with a routine, with brunch, just as much as I love my more adventurous pursuits. And it’s a completely different love, but an important one.”

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Find Your Inner Daredevil

By Free People

“There are people among us who are seemingly scared of nothing. Born unafraid, they seek out the impossible challenges in life and pursue it with honest sincerity. They require a heart for adventure; their spirit always ready to take on a dare. They push the limits of possibility and scoff at the idea of boundaries. I can only suspect that they can live life no other way. Being courageously adventurous is in their blood. They are daredevils. They are born wild.

Though I will not condone tightrope walking between skyscrapers or free diving with sharks, I will support the idea of a continual search to spice things up. Here are a few ways to help bring out your inner daredevil.”

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