Chris Spooner

40 Clever Ambigram Logo Designs That Work Upside Down!

Ambigrams are a really clever form of word art or logo design where the graphic is perfectly legible when viewed both ways up. Not only do these symmetrical designs have the novelty of looking the same when rotated, they produce versatile logos that still work even when viewed upside down, which is an important consideration for logo designs that might appear in unusual places and viewed from multiple angles. In today’s design inspiration showcase I present 40 brilliant ambigram logo examples in a variety of styles, ranging from simple shapes to detailed calligraphy.

Smoke & Mirrors by John Langdon

Burning Man by John Langdon

Earth, Air, Fire, Water by John Langdon

Say Yes by Clare Whatever

One Love Ambigram by Nicholas Gilbert

Eva Ambigram by Klaudia Mondek

Meow by Ian Barnard

Austin by Nick Misani

N by Kakha Kakhadzen

Dan Gretta by Dan Gretta

Vava by Jorge R. Torres

Lefty Ambigram by Nikita Prokhorov

Karma Ambigram by Nikita Prokhorov

Brcko by Dalibor Pajic

Fifty/Fifty Logo by Jim Tuckwell

Lettering Ambigram

Yeah Ambigram by Alan Guzman

Una Kitchen Branding by KIND

Arthur by Arthur Tavares

Yeahmbigram by Mark Caneso

FDGA Logo by Erika Roadfeldt

Scrivens by Christopher Scrivens

Ulul Khalili by Ulul Khalili

Amje by Jbiancardi

Awesome Industries by Mabu

Raffles Cafe and Bar by BigAl67

Onvo Media by Dotflo

Antonio by Cleber

USA Ambigram by Yakandaries

History by Cleber

Floris by Florisvoorveld

Art of Troy by Tsizer

Jump by Alenami

Dominic by Cleber

Alone Ambigram by Mistershot

VAIVA Cosmetics by Haim6130

MB5 by Milena

Fiezay by Bitencourt

The post 40 Clever Ambigram Logo Designs That Work Upside Down! appeared first on Spoon Graphics.

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