This Drag King's David Bowie Looks Are Incredible

Because you can never have enough Bowie in your life.

This is 28-year-old drag king Nikki Boudreau, and she has some pretty damn impressive David Bowie looks up her sleeve.

Instagram: @jean_genie_drag

Nikki, who lives in California, did her first drag performance a couple of weeks after Bowie died early last year.

Instagram: @jean_genie_drag

"Bowie's death felt very personal to me like it did for a lot of people," she told BuzzFeed. "His music has been a big part of my life for years."

Instagram: @jean_genie_drag

Most of her looks are from the early to mid '70s, but she also does a mean version of the Goblin King from the '80s.

Instagram: @jean_genie_drag

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